
Obviously my dad, for letting me watch Star Wars and introducing me to the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, but now that I think about it my high school librarian was pretty influential to me. Introduced me to The Nueromancer, Snow Crash, Grant Morrison and Bendis's Daredevil.

Wolverine has always been protective of kids. thats why he gets paired with Kitty, Jubilee, Armor, Pixie, etc. Besides, his big thing in the last decade or so is that he does the bad stuff so others don't have to.

Wolverine has always been protective of kids. thats why he gets paired with Kitty, Jubilee, Armor, Pixie, etc. Besides, his big thing in the last decade or so is that he does the bad stuff so others don't have to.

I just love that Doop, in addition to being the receptionist, is also the choir leader

I just love that Doop, in addition to being the receptionist, is also the choir leader

Neither. They sleep together.

Neither. They sleep together.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to say that they couldn't show up, just that they hadn't yet. Although I can understand trying to make it as different from Teen Titans as possible

Yeah, I wasn't trying to say that they couldn't show up, just that they hadn't yet. Although I can understand trying to make it as different from Teen Titans as possible

I believe he was around a while before the New Titans

I believe he was around a while before the New Titans

None of the New Titans characters are in the show (Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Terra and Jerico)

None of the New Titans characters are in the show (Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Terra and Jerico)

I've been begging for the AV club to cover this for some time now. It goes to some pretty dark places (the clone zombie things, the slavers arc last season, etc.) Plus it'd go along with the reviews of Young Justice and Korra.

I've been begging for the AV club to cover this for some time now. It goes to some pretty dark places (the clone zombie things, the slavers arc last season, etc.) Plus it'd go along with the reviews of Young Justice and Korra.

See i saw it and thought Hunger Dames. because he's a classy dame…

See i saw it and thought Hunger Dames. because he's a classy dame…

Well they did somewhat well. The one that made the least amount of money and the one the least amount of people saw was the Incredible Hulk, and that still made 263 million dollars. And to be fair, the Avengers is the third highest grossing movie of all time, so its not like anything is going to touch it unless it has

Well they did somewhat well. The one that made the least amount of money and the one the least amount of people saw was the Incredible Hulk, and that still made 263 million dollars. And to be fair, the Avengers is the third highest grossing movie of all time, so its not like anything is going to touch it unless it has

Same here. I would watch the hell out of it, especially if they didn't subtitle it and left it all in the original Shyriiwook.