
Same here. I would watch the hell out of it, especially if they didn't subtitle it and left it all in the original Shyriiwook.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Finn is 14. Also, did anyone else see where the house that Finn made is the remains of the vikings village from Memories of Boom Boom Mountain?

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Finn is 14. Also, did anyone else see where the house that Finn made is the remains of the vikings village from Memories of Boom Boom Mountain?

Well he has done some research. I don't think they showed it, but i'm pretty sure he did a lot of the research when he took down the Tea Party, but I could be wrong about that. Interesting question though. I guess it depends on whether you count reporter and journalist the same thing.

Well he has done some research. I don't think they showed it, but i'm pretty sure he did a lot of the research when he took down the Tea Party, but I could be wrong about that. Interesting question though. I guess it depends on whether you count reporter and journalist the same thing.

I don't mean to discredit anyone who is a celebrity gossip columnist or anything like that, but in theory aren't professional journalists more valuable to our society than them?

I don't mean to discredit anyone who is a celebrity gossip columnist or anything like that, but in theory aren't professional journalists more valuable to our society than them?

I understand where you are coming from on this one, and the show is very idealized. But I've never gotten the feeling that these are "real" journalists, just that they're the idealized versions of journalists that exist in Sorkin's vision. Like the way Moneyball portrayed Billy Beane as this visionary GM who changed

I understand where you are coming from on this one, and the show is very idealized. But I've never gotten the feeling that these are "real" journalists, just that they're the idealized versions of journalists that exist in Sorkin's vision. Like the way Moneyball portrayed Billy Beane as this visionary GM who changed

I didn't hate the episode. I thought, as I have throughout most of the time the show has been on the air, that the way the female characters have been handled is poor, but I didn't hate it. I actually kind of liked some of it, that is an okay thing right? I laughed at the running bigfoot joke, and while yeah i do

I didn't hate the episode. I thought, as I have throughout most of the time the show has been on the air, that the way the female characters have been handled is poor, but I didn't hate it. I actually kind of liked some of it, that is an okay thing right? I laughed at the running bigfoot joke, and while yeah i do

Did anyone else see the reviews of this series that Dan Rather has been doing on gawker.com? It's an interesting POV, and worth the the read.

Did anyone else see the reviews of this series that Dan Rather has been doing on gawker.com? It's an interesting POV, and worth the the read.

I spent a lot of my weekend inside avoiding the sweltering heat (and unfortunately missing a Bon Jovi concert I had free tickets too) so I consumed a lot this weekend. I introduced my girlfriend to Dr. Who, and thankfully she loves it. Halfway through the first season of the new show. I had forgotten how much I enjoy

I spent a lot of my weekend inside avoiding the sweltering heat (and unfortunately missing a Bon Jovi concert I had free tickets too) so I consumed a lot this weekend. I introduced my girlfriend to Dr. Who, and thankfully she loves it. Halfway through the first season of the new show. I had forgotten how much I enjoy

I'm not trying to say that she shouldn't have any personal problems or anything like that, I just wish it was portrayed better

I'm not trying to say that she shouldn't have any personal problems or anything like that, I just wish it was portrayed better



I liked this episode a lot more than the previous episodes, although I still can't stand the way Mac is portrayed. I firmly believe that some tough journalistic woman, who from what it sounds like is a super badass EP would be a touch more professional and wouldn't allow her personal feelings to get in the way. I