Average America

Dabney Coleman? Was Major Dad still on?

I have read a lot of Pratchett, Orson Card, and the like, so I do know what good writing is. I just think about the Drizzt books as literary comfort food. You know what to expect, there are no major surprises, and it tastes satisfying, if not actually 'good'
I'm happy with calling that a guilty pleasure.

We have dissimilar interests! You're dead to me!

I got it.

I've seen Role Models probably 5 times now, and he makes me laugh every single time. Especially in the KISS makeup.

Haha. That's a hell of a firstie, Tom.

All of the books published by TOR have the same general cover art. I was always a little bit embarrassed by it, it is really schlocky looking. I actually think that is what drew me to the TSR books like Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms as a juvie. The art on their books is the same basic sword and sorcery stuff, but

Is this piece of shit doing better than their Thursday night stuff? For my money, the shows on Thursday are a pretty solid chunk of entertainment. Are the other networks showing anything better? I know Fringe is on, but that gets DVR'd, and I thought it wasn't doing very well either.


You really need to say if that link is worksafe or not.

Pip, my thoughts exactly.

That's what I was thinking. High school presents its own set of problems in that regard. Mostly just by being illegal. Although my head football coach colleague won a state championship, then fucked a student, and KEPT his job. I keep meaning to ask him if that was a good use of his Get Out of Jail Free card.

I think it's the accent
This guy is my man-crush. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

That link is amazing. I had never made the connection between the two.

I don't think all TV will be Leno. Haven't you noticed that the ratings for his show are not very good? Leno got straight up beat by Sons of Anarchy. I am holding out a little more hope for humanity yet.

Yes, America and apparently Switzerland do the political color scheme backwards from the rest of the world. Blue is Liberal, Red is Conservative. I have never thought much about it before, but since the Communists were "Red" even in America for years, I'm not sure how that got switched.

It's just sad to me. I watched him win his gold medal live on TV. He accomplished a legitimate great feat. Olympic gold medalist. He looked so excited when he won, I actually got a little choked up. It was this wonderful 'hooray America' moment. Which he later took a massive shit on, and threw his life away for money.

Meta-Commentary and puppets!! It's a laugh feast!

SuperFuckingMan IV: The Quest for a Piece of Snatch.

So now Sarah and Tina can both play Lisa Ann in a nice girl-on-girl scene.