Average America

Yay, more gimmick posters!

Hey, sexy college Halloween worked for Buffy.
Oh god, I miss Emma Caufield.

Ahhhhh, that brought back some good memories. Thanks, Stitch.

Y'all Hipsters are posting in a Troll Thread.


Pretty sure the chronological order is how they appear inside the actual book. The show ran in the order on the cover….That make sense? I'm not sure I explained that very well.

Those bullets are like a dollar each! Thats coming out of your allowance.

Right, forgot about….THE TRIIIIIAAAAAD! (ahem)

Is this the first real superhero that we see in the series?
I know that there was Dr. Impossible and crew, but they weren't especially heroic, and still fall under the category of super-science.

If you put the segments in order of how those titles appear in Marvel #1, the show will be in chronological order.

You're getting face on me.

Agreed. I would love to see Fringe become that great show. I'm just doubting that Fox is going to give it that chance.

You'd think they would, Yummsh, but they really don't. Just look at pretty much every Joss Whedon offering, and Futurama, and the first run of Family Guy. They really don't want the dedicated fans that those shows bring in. We're nerds, I guess.

Anna in the Northwestern t-shirt…. Whoo, that was really hot for some reason.
I certainly love it when a pretty lady is dolled up, but when they can look great in a shirt and sweats, yow.

I can't wait until Lost starts again, and I can sound even more retarded.

I would love to see Michael Jai White stomp a hole in Napolean.

Game over, man. Game Over.

He has had a tough time passing that script around. I wonder why.

Awesome, now he can be fat and obnoxious in a whole new medium!

Hmm… Could it at least be a female gorilla?