Average America

No I don't

I said something like that earlier, got trolled. Fuck people sometimes, I swear to god.

I qualified it with an Imagine. Even so, it doesn't seem like something he would do. Postpone something for a full year, just to add some window dressing? Maybe he is full steam ahead on 3D, I don't know, it just seems out of character.

I also re-read "The Dread 3D" link, and I have no problem with the idea of 3D. I would love movies to be more immersive, it's just that right now, 3D sucks. IMAX is vastly superior, and I almost think that every movie should be done in IMAX.

3D really adds jack and shit to a movie. It's kind of a buzzword again for some reason, even though the tech hasn't appreciably improved since it's inception.

Yes, that was my first thought at the end. "Is that fucking Voldemort?"

He was in the back, washing lettuce.

This beat is Sick!/I wanna take a ride on your Disco Stick
Am I the only one who thinks Lady Gaga is really not very good? Perhaps she isn't horrible, but it all seems like shtick. Amy Winehouse can sing circles around her. I'm all for crazy costumes, but I haven't heard much in the way of serviceable music from her.

I sort of mentioned this last week. Yeah, it seems like the cast is actually pretty strong, but the writing is just plain bad. I think the show would take a big step up in quality if they let the cast do more of the writing. …maybe not Seth Meyers.

Heh. Maybe so.

1. There are no women on the internet. So misogynist comments are par for the course.

Yeah maybe, but I could live without the canceraids.

Silly me
I actually read the article, and missed my big firstie.

Kraft dinner? Damn Canadians… It's Mac n' Cheese!

Yeah, I instantly thought 'daughter.' To the point where it actually seems a bit too obvious, like it wouldn't surprise anybody. So, either it was meant to be broadcast that clearly, it's a red herring, or we all watch too much TV that there are no more surprises.

I totally wear Magnum XL's.
It's like wearing sweatpants on your dong!

/golf clap

I'm waiting. Was there more?

She's barely CW material. Or, WB, or whatever the fuck that network was called when she was on it.

RIff Raff reminded me about Seven.