Average America

Turns out that….
Jeep was right about me.

Hey, at least you didn't called an asshole for saying it.

I'm not trying to firstie.

It's just one man, Kidney now!
Donaghy can get him one.

I regretfully missed a huge chunk of the show. I saw the very beginning up to where Stan decides to bone in the janitor's closet, got called upstairs by my toddler, came down and saw some kind of MadMax thing happening. What the Fuck!?
That was easily the weirdest turn to a show that I can remember. Hulu here I come.

It's serious. Graphic Novels and Manga in particular have exploded in stores like Barnes and Noble. Comics are more mainstream than ever, and chain bookstores are noticing.

I really enjoy Psych, but I never seem to make time for it. Whenever I watch it, I have a good time.


Carnies are the best people on Earth. Only the best people could give you that 5 toothed smile and make it seem charming. I bet their lives are full of folksy wisdom!

Better news is LOST in Feb!!!

Yes. That's what I was getting at.

You might have a difficult time getting your urethra to form the embouchure. Good luck though, remember to use lots of breath support.

Archives of Walt and Skeezix, but no Complete Calvin and Hobbes? That's only a few years old, innit?

Tentacle Rape Tojo?

@ Bill - I'm not sure I could read more comics. I've read nearly everything on the list up top, and quite a lot of everything else, too. Punisher MAX is excellent, no doubt about it. That series is great because it reinforces the best(well, you know) aspects of that character. I guess the argument comes down to liking

Heh, sorry, meant *trying* to be.

Err…wow, that was long. Sorry bout that.

I feel like I'm the only one who wanted more mainstream stuff. Just like the best music article, there is a cornucopia of indie stuff. Now, I realize where I am, and this demo tends to skew towards indie, but I think there was a ton of great stuff that was passed over in lieu of the Napoleon Dynamites of the comics

Oh for fuck's sake. Tom doesn't have to like Juno. It was too precious and indie by half. Seriously, if there were any two other actors in those roles, it would have been laughably bad.
Tom, you keep rollin' playa.

@gray - Stan Lee told me it is in the mail.