
Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand alloys and compositions and things with… molecular structures.

Mike stared in disbelief as his hands fell off. From them protruded millions of maggots. Maggots!? Maggots. Maggots. Maggots. Maggots. Maggots.

Status and money eh? Sounds like I'm screwed.

Also kinda reminds me of 'Aztec' for the Apple IIe. Man, that game was awesome.

A RR with any of the people in D.C. Cab would be great.

Did "Biodome" and "Viva Rock Vegas" earn him nothing? For shame, people.

Andre Rieu..
It must be hard coming up with eye-catching packaging that's also functional, judging by most of the gimmicky stuff out there.. are there any examples of unique packaging that has worked perfectly and looked great?

When I first glanced at the poster for this, I thought Liam Neeson was starring in "Tekken".

You can almost smell the combination of sour sweat and musty thrift shop.. hot stuff.

Agreed on Little Joy - great stuff.

Oh, okay - several evenings. My bad. It's been some years since I've seen it, but it struck me as implausible that he had such a mastery of the language after that point.

Great interview.
Thanks, Steve.

Pathfinder was terrible, but then most films with Viking in 'em seem to be terrible. This is a shame, because Vikings are awesome.

Careful! He's about to lose control.

Harsh, but fair.

The Happening
I figured M.Night & Marky's opus would sweep the Razzies, or at least be up for more nominations than 'Worst Picture'? That film was unintentional hilarity distilled into it's purest form.

Also, as much as I'd like to see Wilson Phillips battling Nazis, there's probably a whole fanfiction webring already devoted to the topic.

The glaive in Krull was pretty awesome, but I've really only got hazy memories of the rest of the film. I can remember dudes getting cut in half and turning into snakes, though I might be getting confused with "You've Got Mail".

Yeah. She seemed remarkably cool with the whole "killing spree" thing, too. I think her response to him confessing mass-infanticide was "There, there."

Surely you guys have to admit the timeless quality of this particular slice of poetry: