
Search your feeling, Jim. You know it to be true.

The only part of Phantom Menace I haven't repressed like an abuse memory is the scene where Jake Lloyd is being lifted into a starfighter and he half-heartedly chirrups "Yippee!" before taking off.

I'll say. That's a pretty severe kick in the balls for Mr. Carter.

Heat was the last time I can remember enjoying the performances of DeNiro and Pacino.

Reason, that URL linked pic was awesome.

RobinsonBot 2000
Man, somebody really put Smokey Robinson through the Photoshop wringer in that pic.. if they'd added a few lens flares (perhaps in place of his eyes) it couldn't get much worse.

That reminds me - I'm not sure if I can make it to the woods this weekend, Lex. Tell Jimmy and the other guys that I'll bring the card table next time if they promise not to put more cigarette burns on it.

The best part is that it's true - he is!

I feel bad for Dave Meyers.
.. poor bastard.