
To be fair, it's hard to remember constant ambushes when caught in a rain of thousands of lethally fine-grained sharp little crystals.

*monocle pops out in surprise and falls into bowl of soup*

"Red wizard is about to die!"

Q*Bert 2: HyperQube

tsytrytrys, you're truly winner!

I'm just gonna say what everyone's thinking..
That three-segemented bed-couch thing in the screenshot looks really uncomfortable.

I don't know about the film being light on contemporary drama - the ripple effect of events in the past do a lot to shape the drama in the present (the interplay between the sculptor, his daughter, the former dissident, his wife, etc).

January Jones and Liam Neeson - believable on-screen couple? Or the MOST believable?

I don't know what to say.

Conversely, this film will need at least 53% more Tara Reid before I'll take it seriously.

Just adding to the chorus - fantastic stuff. Definitely a candidate for book form.

That was absolutely harrowing.

Yeah, Monkeybone would definitely be a good one, as would Tideland.

"Inside the flesh of an ordinary salaryman, terrible things have begun to take placeā€¦"

I'm seein' double here! 4 posts by Rich Tanguy!

That Ghidorah theme is all kinds of awesome.

I think the guy on the left has a tiny, tiny beard, but the lab results aren't back yet.


Fortunately you can beat that guy down with only mild "Hey, he's on your side!" protests from the rest of the team.

Watch out for the new albumen.