
*mumbles* It's not braces it's a retainer and it's not that bad.

Similarly, I made the mistake of checking out the "Let's Get it Started" video and had my face melted, Ark of the Covenant style. Black Eyed Peas are the worst thing to happen to music since the dim, dark age of Limp Bizkit.

Nice picks, all.

NPR streamin' goodness:
The full album here:

*Notable exception: George Lucas. Fuck that guy.

Gene Shalit, Cookie Monster, Hulk Hogan, EVL, Manhammer, Horsefellow and David Caruso usually get a laugh from me.

@Incurable Ennui : While I agree with you almost entirely, I don't really subscribe to the notion that "you're only as good as your last project". If an artist creates something brilliant and then suffers a decline, I'm very reluctant to totally write that artist off.

Yeah, the video cover for Ghoulies was burned into my memory as a kid, too… also the cover for 'Fright Night' (which surprisingly had only 1 shitty sequel):

Hey, kiss my aunt you motherfather!

Zapped 2
Right at the end of that trailer they have Hudson from Aliens saying "Game over, man!".

Hah! What a story, The Gauntlet.

"Tony.. can you do me a favor? Can you do me a kindness?"

'Stunts' was fantastic, though I'm still convinced it was impossible to make it through one of the corkscrew track segments without launching inadvertently into the sun.

La Pipe is spot on - the series would need its own War-and-Peace-length epilogue to tie up all the loose ends created by so many characters. Still a great series so far, though.

You got dead ears, mate.

You are witnesses to the birth of Spinal Tap - Mark 2. We hope you enjoy our new direction.

Gary Busey as Red Skull

But if he's lead to a fight and a duel is due, then the red and white and the blue'll come through.

Frighteningly accurate. Bravo, sir!

Yeah. Kudos for the attempt, though.