Latinas can't be blonde! Just like they can never wear pastel colors or not have fiery personalities. It's just science.
Latinas can't be blonde! Just like they can never wear pastel colors or not have fiery personalities. It's just science.
@Minge - they also ran a race, and didn't win, but still got a trophy for being the only family to finish.
I'd guess it's more black and blue.
Wait, you didn't love the Pepsi commercial a few years back with the bears rolling into town after hibernation?
I learned from the Berenstain Bears that old people can feel the weather in their bones and build ships in bottles.
Queenie was a dyke. We all knew it.
Me too! More please.
I hate when women fawn over A-Rod or Derek Jeter because they happen to be mildly good-looking. They might be two of the best looking guys in baseball, but that's like saying you're the least handicapped person at the Special Olympics.
Milla Jovovich was CRAZY delightful. Plus, she really contributed to the Slavic Bloc that's been the show's running theme this season.
Agreed. Great interview on both sides. It's nice to see among the Pythons that there's not a lot of lingering bitterness, though there easily could be.
Bullshit. He was being interviewed by Elle, for Christ's sake. If the A.V. Club had been throwing him softball questions like that, I'd understand his ire, but his entire job with a women's magazine like that is to answer their questions, flirt with the reporter a bit, and get a glowing, adoring profile that will…
Well the first take, he smeared feces on his hand (not his own- one of the grip's), but the marketing people deemed the take too Lynchian, so they tried Nutella next.
THAT'S a risk they should talk more about. What if you had to have sex with Vince the ShamWow! guy? Seeing the whites of his eyes in the dark while he called you Princess?
ZMF, I agree with you about the Dan Brown movies, but if my car breaks down in Hollywood, Tom Hanks is the person stopping to help between him and Denzel Washington.
This is one of those films
that not only did I not remember seeing, but thought I possibly dreamed up. Which is too bad, because I clearly missed the dominant themes here and only latched onto the images of Rhys Ifans flinging poo.
I just figured beautiful people do beautiful things, but this show would have me believe that sometimes beautiful people do ugly things. I can't wrap my head around it.
To quote Kelly from the Office
How can someone so beautiful be so sad?
Takers 2: The Takers Taken (starring Liam Neeson as the father who will go to any lengths to get his daughter Idris Elba back from kidnappers)
Well, you can't blame them for such a shitty poster when all they've got to work with is Mario Paint and ClarisWorks Suite.
Those Hollywood Exec types really have their finger on the pulse of what today's youves want in a movie.