

wow, a white guy, sick

close, but not quite

robin thicke has gotta have the most punchable face of all time

is the oldboy remake a shot-for-shot deal, because judging from the trailer it seems that way

I had no idea a new Pynchon novel was coming out, so, that, and also, the PTA directed adaptation of Inherent Vice (though that'll be in 2014. whatever)

both boring characters, whatever

i forget, is the third book the one where the judeo-christian God LITERALLY dies, and is revealed to have been an impostor all along, in a children's book, in a book meant for children, in which the aforementioned death isn't even a metaphor, it actually happens, God actually dies; because that was raw as hell

accent a droit, BITCH

songs for pretty dumb girls often own, for the record

i really hope ralphio doesn't become an actual character, he's much better off as a complete joke

that, or king louie's brilliant deadpan intro to "send it up"

nah, seymour stein is really good

lydia's fine, but her pattern of speech is goddamn insufferable


That's insame.

rush limbaugh, infinite jest. accept no substitutes.

#skylarissuchabitchOMG #waltequalsBADASSS

bizarre trip II the pharcyde..trip

aren't they, like, a 3 hit wonder? semi-charmed life (which for the record, i like, sue me, it's fun and catchy as shit), jumper, and how's it gonna be?