My uncle used to send me CDs by Pixies and Minutemen and X and such for Christmas and birthdays, and those kinda formed the beginnings of my "canon", so to speak. The internet pretty much took it from there. As for film, books, and TV, I was basically on my own.
i dunno bout y'all, but I'm getting a bit sick of seeing this face all over my summer blockbusters: https://encrypted-tbn0.gsta…
"ninja please" has got to be the worst joke they've ever done, christ.
uh what was boards of canada's feel good summer jam again
a boy and his dog bond
i just don't understand why they hired such a comparatively small/wimpy actor for the replacement, it's not like s1 mountain was the only large person on earth
yeah! and if i recall correctly, on the show talisa even made a point to compliment them! i guess they felt that having the shitty band would be playing the "something's wrong here" card a bit too early, i dunno
now, do you think that they'll have the chutzpah to sew grey wind's head on to robb's hot dead bod? my money is on yes, it'll probably be the first shot of the next episode and it'll slowly pan out to reveal a bunch of bloodied corpses + possible flies buzzing about from the morning after
melisandre + stannis's new baby methinks
new mbv album/ final episodes of breaking bad/ me probably falling into a depression and hanging myselfffhfehfeviuhwgiwehiewvgi
new mbv album/ final episodes of breaking bad/ me probably falling into a depression and hanging myselfffhfehfeviuhwgiwehiewvgi