
The tribal mentality is amazing. There's a new mass effect trailer out, and it's narrated by the VA for Female Shepard…. and one of the main reactions to it is people are mad it's not done by the Male Shepard VA. You couldn't make this shit up.

The problem in that case isn't The Departed whitewashing Infernal Affairs, it's the american version receiving an Oscar being at best a poor facsimile of a far superior original.

Person of Interest Season 3.

So.. poor man's Banshee?

It's a reasonable gripe, but correct me if I'm wrong - they organize what they review (and who'll do it) in advance, planning out what shows they have the ability to cover.

Back in the internet early days, I found that the culture that 4chan sprang from, so to speak, was about "trolling" in the more classical sense - being satirical and/or ironic against the very people that we're discussing in the above article. Much like AV club comments in many ways, poking fun at the ridiculousness

That's a good point (about the prose). People rave on about George R.R Martin carrying on about food, but I guess they haven't read a Redwall book.

Well that's good information, so thanks. But I honestly had to read that paragraph 3 times before I realized they weren't talking about Redwall, which I kinda agree with Beema above, is much more apt for this list.

That Poppy Book just sounds like a Redwall ripoff. Am I missing something?

One of my favourite bands. Criminally under-rated and overlooked in the mid to late 90's.

Shoot is just so goddamn perfect, as it is the perfect description as well as title.

That really bugs me about friends and acquaintances that I have. We'll share a somewhat overlapping interest in metal bands, then I'll put on something non-metal or lighter when they're over, and they'll want to change the track. Or recommend to someone they should check a band out, and when I mention it's not metal

Oh I totally agree. I just took issue with this quote :-

Haven't heard of the band (and from what I hear I quite like it), but this review exclaiming it as some sort of new melding of extreme black metal seems almost quaint. Unless I'm missing significant parts of their discography, it sounds almost like Wolves in the Throne Room, who've been kicking around for quite a

Yeah, an Episode of Person of Interest was given an A+ on posting, downgraded to an A after a bit.

Haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but simple question - Is the Swedish Chef in this new version?

Everytime I come to AV Club music section I feel guilty for having an sincere liking of vocal trance.

The good thing about PoI was not only that it could use it's setting and storyline to offer up interesting scenarios, it had incredibly good character development, even early on when it seemed like it was "White Bread Procedural".

We'll have the thinkpiece if Tatiana loses instead. "Genres shows and Emmys"

You attacked me by condescendingly inquiring whether I had read the tweets, a tactic common to MRA's who dismiss people with different opinions as people who haven't done or read something. It's akin to the people that say "you haven't read it" when someone forms a different conclusion to them.