
I'm at work, so I can't link all the rebuttals to her set of tweets at the moment. I'm not overly impressed you sought to attack me because I expressed a different opinion, but I'll let that slide and just say yes, I've read the tweets.

The problem with mentioning Anita in the article is that she doesn't really belong there; Anita is a poor film critic, and this is an article mainly dealing with film criticism and feminism.

Downvoting kinda works. A post with 10 upvotes and no downvotes will show higher if sorted "by best" then a post with 20 upvotes and 15 downvotes (even though you can't see the downvotes).

I'm not trying to discount what you say, and I know what you're trying to drive at, but we're talking generally about people who have had something terrible happen to them, in this case rape and sexual assault, and making people understand the awfulness and violation that has occured.

I have no problem about more empathy or someone obviously being much more affected by something when it happens to a close relation. Any normal person will mourn their aunt/uncle or parents more then say, a colleague or stranger if they died.

I know you meant nothing negative by it, but kinda getting sick of people having to make men imagine that victims are a personal relation before they evoke understanding or empathy.

"Johnny Depp plays Whitey Bulger, the infamous South Boston criminal who
was the loose inspiration for Jack Nicholson’s character in The Departed."

Ahh yes, damn them females for singing about stuff that happens to them. Male artists (you know, the ones with "nuance") never do that.

Damn, my next pitch was the free set of steak knives too.

Then you are in luck. Rogue MI5, terrifyingly charming assassins for hire, corrupt cops, shady government operatives, a fascist-leaning AI owned by a fanatic private corporation, morally ambivalent mobsters, there's certainly plenty of different and interesting adversaries.

Friendly reminder that if you anyone wants to watch a Batman TV Show, it's called Person of Interest, it's fantastic, and seasons 1-3 should be up on Netflix in a few months at most.

Is Pan's Labyrinth really horror though? It's almost more a war time story mixed with a fantasy fable. The supernatural "horror" paled in contrast to the real-world circumstances (by design).

Pan's Labyrinth is a goddamn masterpiece.

Just want to thank AV Club and the reviewer putting me on to this artist. I'd have never discovered her myself independently, and she's phenomenal, and right smack bang in my wheelhouse.

Not meant to be a direct criticism, but it's kind of funny that your comment about the age gap is the first comment. Het romances basically run the same age gap all the time, and whilst it may be remarked upon from time to time, it's usually not the straight up first comment you read.

"Swift and other corporate capitalist entities"; "created for the sake of commerce"

Since people already mentioned Mad Max, I'll go with what I consider the TV version of it - Person of Interest's "If-Then-Else".

Justified wasn't originally on the list. It (and Banshee) were added at a later point.

If Then Else was beginning 2015, I think Jan 6.

No Person of Interest - "If-Then-Else".