
Person of Interest was a great show (better then the The Good Wife). And sure, it started out with 2 men, but it gave us Root and Shaw.

Throw in a few Oscars for Logan while they're at it.

Watching it for Amy Acker alone.

Sax solo that leads to fade-out from Hawkwind - Golden Void (part 2)

According to Instagram the choreography/fighting training for that fight scene between Sun and Detective Mun took 6 months. It was certainly a highlight to me, in particular that intermission where Detective Mun, about to fall, is given a hand by Sun and they casually chat for 30 seconds. Such great interaction.

As I mentioned previously - the major concerns should be a fairly mediocre actress being directed by an even more mediocre, dull director (Snow White and the Huntsman was extremely bland). This movie does not scream quality. Don't be at all surprised by C, C- ratings.

I'm honestly amused you're both defending that an Asian character was rewritten as a White woman, and a white guy stayed white when people thought he should be re-written as having Asian ancestry.

I listen to a vast range of metal, and I quite liked the article, though there are some things I think it overlooked.

Oh yes, I can understand that. But that's also the point. She's better off with a person that the writers would never dare to put her together with, then the current romance.

"It's not like Kara currently has a better option if she must be partnered off by the writers"

So? Just ignore it. I'm not really fussed about all the Comic-Con stuff either (I ventured into this thread just to see Max Landis made fun of).

If you watched it now you'd say the jokes would be somewhat of a product of it's time (a fair few involve misunderstandings in language and lesbian jokes/punchlines), but I found it fun and funny, and it was warmly received, and seems to be quite fondly remembered by people (anecdotally from social media, anyway).

Yes. It won a Golden Globe for Comedy, as well as the "Best Film" at the British Comedy Awards. It's sports/romantic Comedy.

I never said they were. Once you take a bribe, or change your opinion due to financial contributions, it doesn't matter if it was $10 dollars or 10 million dollars, or you did it once or 100 times. You are corrupt.

Corruption isn't relative. Just because she's "less" corrupt then your hypothetical Southeast Asian politician (nice stereotyping by the way. Singapore, for example, is above the United States on the Transparency International's corruption Index. Taiwan, Malaysia also score reasonably well), doesn't mean that she

Bend it like Beckham (2002).

The opportunity to snark and crack jokes will always reliably outweigh any ideology you think they may or may not have, on this website. This isn't a liberal piece, it's a time to crack jokes piece. There has been plenty of times they've made fun of what you would call, no doubt, "liberal darlings".

It's inane stuff. He's copied a classical painting that is similar as the aesthetic (the name eludes me, I'll have to look it up), in some ridiculous "homage", his observations at trite at best, it's nonsensical because it's chaotic in it's contradicting themes.

Are you kidding? This is the Emperor with No Clothes stuff. Stupid, deliberately edgy, completely nonsensical, but everyone will go around nodding their heads "ahh yes this is profound" "kanye sure is a genius" etc etc.

Also -