Cuddly Toy

I gots some illegal downloadin' to do!
haters be damned, the #1 answer to this question is Andrew WK.

I got some eff you's to read off this list here…
fuck Chic-Fil-A, fuck Fruitopia, fuck Dasani, fuck Target, fuck Burger King, fuck KFC, fuck Taco Bell, fuck The Clear Channel, fuck Major League Baseball, fuck FOX, fuck NBC, fuck CBS, fuck ABC, fuck MTV, fuck Hostess, fuck T.G.I. Friday's, fuck cancer, fuck Applebee's,

Animal Collective
Steven, your trajectory is exactly what I recommend to people currently trying to get into Animal Collective. I had a hard time with them, beginning with Sung Tongs, which I downloaded because everyone who was older and cooler than I was couldn't stop talking about it. I liked exactly two songs:

ellie, you inadvertently reminded me of how hard it was to get into Loveless. The first few listens sounded like all drone, no direction or melody. These days, I wonder what the hell younger me was thinking.

I, too, had a hard time seeing what the big deal over Strangelove was when I first saw it. I enjoyed the broadly comic title character and little else. I think it's important to realize that, like a number of Coen brothers movies discussed this week, most of the comedy comes from the premise that everyone in the

also, season six DVDs should really have an easter egg of his Oscar Wilde impression. Wouldn't that be lovely?

That picture is so fucking rad.
he looks like he should be in a talking heads video. AND he kind of talked shit on darth vader.

Eloise said of Daniel, "…and he disappeared before my eyes" or something. Not "and there was a flash of purpleish light and he was gone". I think only the time-travelers see the light.

the moment after the word "eyeliner" escaped from Sawyers lips the joke stopped being funny.

Jack needs to die, but he needs to see the error of his ways first, and that ain't gonna happen in this finale. He's still the same obsessive, confused, self-centered and-loathing fuckup he's been since the season one flashbacks. He needs his closure, and then he needs to kick the bucket. There's nothing left for

my prediction: A super-crazy Richard flashback will open next season. Think about it. With the exception of last season's Hurley car chase, every first episode has cold-opened with either an unintroduced or at least minor/supporting character followed around going about their general business, then BANG some super

"Live Free or Die Hard" totally ruled. there. I SAID IT.

EXCUSE ME? Amy Sedaris winked like seven times in under three seconds. That actually made me laugh out loud. Yes, she's better than this, but she's still in it, which makes at least a very small fraction of it hilarious.

did paramount give you a kickback?
way to advertise for free, AV club.

yeah, 200 dollars worth of weed'll make any root canal easier to deal with.

no, it's no blockbuster, but it's remembered well by the general movie-watching public. It may be a MYOF secret success, but Cannibal! is enjoyed by a much smaller group of fringe cinema lovers. It is, I think, the most worthy of all of Parker and Stone's works to be called 'cult' and, let's face it, it's funnier

Team America?
That counts as a cult film? I'd way, way, WAY rather see a write-up on Cannibal! the Musical. C'mon, the story behind it is way better (college kids do a lot of acid, write incredibly catchy showtunes, incorporate them into low budget B-movie), the cult behind the movie keeps growing steadily, and

Visually, 2046 is stunning and unique. I wish I could say the same for the story.

ben charest
The soundtrack alone deserves some love. The music, like Chomet's animation, bears a madcap style cobbled from a hundred different bizarre sources. My favorite is the Italian barber song: "Jimmy Hoffa! Hooooooffaaaaaa!"

I don't remember the rest of the lyrics so sorry guys but astronaut jones was incredible. thatnk you all for making me remember that.