Cuddly Toy

Heisler, I have no idea who you are
But major kudos for not opening this up with some kind of Arrested Development movie-related question. Those always get the same exact answer, and bring us no closer to the final product.

Randell, I'm fairly certain we've discussed the genius of Hot Rod before, but just to add to the list of top ten most obnoxious things of all time:


I love him so much more now
He prefers the Farrelly brothers to Wes Anderson. That's some solid hillbilly cred, right there.

don't forget volcano and dante's peak!

"oldham is hard to look away from"
except for that one part where he's naked.

same could be said for tom waits. "face of a character actor?" acting career of a character actor, bitches.

nabin, I have no idea what you actually look like
but generally, bald guys with big gray beards are badasses. embrace it!

mbs hasn't seen soul men.

no lie, sublime was my flat-out favorite band when I was 10. and I discovered them through… karaoke. my parents had a machine and one of the discs was some "popular songs of 1996" and "wrong way" was on there. I recall getting into a lot of trouble in the 5th grade for singing the "seven horny brothers and a

"now, how about I do a line off your boner!"

wow, same exact comment, but somehow managed to include the phrase, "adult cumming inside a… kid!" jesus christ, dude.

ohhhh I see what you did there!

completely unrelated, but:
my current AVClub auto-recycler-o-matic is showing interviews with Andy Samberg, Miranda July, and St. Vincent, and I just realized that they all look EXACTLY THE SAME.

you know that simpsons episode where bart freeze frames the exact moment ralph's heart breaks? In bowfinger, you can freeze frame the exact moment eddie murphy and steve martin's careers break.

brad bird is kind of a god.

I didn't care much for their album, but damn if those boys don't put on a kickass show.

I would like to second the Raging Rabbids recommendation. It is a bit twisted, but in an old-school Tex Avery kind of way. Kids would love it because it's really easy to play and has about a thousand mini-games, and you will love it because several of the levels take place on the streets of real cities. And not in

the MPDG craze is spreading, Nabin
I see the term dropped in movie-news blogs and sites pretty regularly these days, it got an entire article in NPR, and its own wikipedia page. The scourge may never end, but it looks like you've coined a film-criticism term that will be used for years to come. Kudos! I'm not sure

College Dropout is great, but I think Kanye's best was Graduation. Pretty much all killer, no filler. And by "filler" I mean "irritating skits, mostly featuring Bernie Mac."