Cuddly Toy

Perhaps we can all agree that David Bowie + The Entirety of the 1970's = pretty much untouchable.

my first post was pretty ramshackle…
so here's a focused topic, inspired by Deltron 3030:

I, too, am a long-form loving vinyl snob. let's bump fists sometime.

oh christ and Station to Station. Hell Yes!

ok, let's discuss. the ones that pop immediately to mind are:

this probably won't inspire much discussion.
not at all.

let us not forget that Can has also given us one of the best, silliest pop songs ever recorded.

spike jonze, you magnificent motherfucker.
I have no complaints. this makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. this is the best possible way to start my day.

it definitely goes somewhere. As opposed to many of the songs on Spiderman of the Rings, which usually took a simple concept or melody and stretched it out for three minutes (not that I didn't love that album), Bromst lets ideas take the lead, fall back, switch directions, and move more interestingly and coherently.

this list should be called:
"campy tv sitcoms with annoyingly catchy theme songs that will now be stuck in your head all week; also: Homicide"

I remember reading something once claiming that Parnell is the only SNL cast member who never once broke character. That's worth something.

ohmygod ohmygod
animation month is going to be wonderful.

I got this really cool, highly-realistic frankenstein mask for my 13th birthday, modeled after Boris Karloff. Even at that age, my head was too big for it. It was depressing. This article just reminded me why I have a complex about the size of my cranium.


y'know, so your 20's and 50's don't get static cling.

man, I hate college.
this party has never once happened. anyone who tells you they go to parties like this is lying to you and themselves. This reminds me exactly why I live 45 minutes from campus and don't ever small-talk people in class.

shit, boojum just set the bar. nicely done.

maybe you suck!

If Byron is the same age as I am, Eno and the Talking Heads are pretty indie. I grew up after the ubiquity of them, so I didn't discover Talking Heads until late in high school, and Eno until I went off to college.

I recommend newcomers to start with Hunky Dory, then dive into Station to Station. Hunky Dory eases you into it, since half the songs are familiar to the casual non-listener (Queen Bitch is popping up a lot in movies lately, innit?). Station to Station is my favorite, A) because it manages to properly