Cuddly Toy

I guess, but I, Robot sucked the least.

A Shot of Jack and a Can of PBR
unless you're a pussy.

sorry to drop this bomb on everybody…
but I, Robot > Minority Report

fuck yeah, motherfuckers
best reviewed album of the week! eat shit and die, untrained children's choir!

Story Time:
Some friends and I went to see In the Name of the King (because Jason Statham OWNS), but were sensible enough to smuggle in a bottle of whiskey. 45 minutes in, i was sloshed. So, I went to the bathroom, then drunkenly decided that I needed a break from the mind-blowing inanity that is Uwe Boll's creative

whoa hey.
I couldn't get the pap smear scene to load but I love that part so I YouTubed it but couldn't find it but look at this:

Fuck it, dude.
This movie rules. Slurp my butt if you disagree.

Two birds, one tall bridge
Both Okkervil River's "John Allyn Smith Sails" and Hold Steady's "Stuck Between Stations" are great songs about John Berryman's suicide. Plus, the former becomes the best Sloop John B cover Ever.

I suppose I would have preferred to hear about how he got into Twin Peaks instead of how Evolution isn't all that great (I knew that). Still, good interview. He really seems like an agreeable fellow.

fuck, I went to this high school.
rah rah rah, we suck.

How the Fuck has someone not yet mentioned Tom Waits?
Let's see, he started out playing blues, probably the most purely American musical style there ever will be. But that wasn't enough, nope. He started pulling from pretty much every other genre ever, brilliantly exemplifying the "melting pot" of cultural styles

Things Woody Allen Understands:
Neurotic Jews.

they tried to resuscitate him…
but couldn't get his heart to beat it.

Roger Rabbit!
as long as a safe doesn't fall on me.

shit, I should try proofreadin'

oh shit, Beat Happening!
Pretty much every beat happening song is a perfect jangly summer relazin' tune. "Down at the Sea" especially. And, of course, "Indian Summer" is a great end-of-summer nostalgia trip.

pete and pete is the best thing to watch in the winter, so you can pretend it's summer and the weather is warm and you and your friends can go on gloriously mundane neighborhood adventures.

anyone who has a problem with Andrew WK has a problem with fun.

he's done the past three decembers in my city and I've cried at 'em all. he looks directly into peoples eyes when he plays! it's not fair.

Jesus, I love that song. Riff, have you seen him perform live anytime recently? He always closes his show with a song about his mom dying. It's the most gloriously bittersweet and moving thing in the world.