Cuddly Toy

I thought it was "Gasperfinaki"

my old roommate was half filipino, half mexican. he called himself "flipsican". it's okay if they say it first, right?

jonathan's back
my online petition worked!

"I hate you"

I swear to god, "existing heart condition" is fucking bullshit. It's code for "stabbed through the chest with a wooden stake". only way you could have possibly killed him.

Hipster, there's nothing shameful about dropping some Lou Reed or T. Rex on a mixtape. That's what mixtapes are for. your name, however, is a little shameful.

Things I love:
-David Bowie

pre marital analingus, the only kind there is!

fuck, my bad.

it's really great that this movie is getting him the name recognition he deserved for Nightmare. will fat chicks with too much eye makeup start wearing shit plastered with Henry Selick's name?

it's really great that this movie is getting him the name recognition he deserved for Nightmare. will fat chicks with too much eye makeup start wearing shit plastered with Henry Selick's name?

James and the Giant Peach
blew my mind as a kid, possibly even more than nightmare. That movie is a delight. Monkeybone, though? I would have been happier not knowing he was a part of that. I thought he was gonna go 3 for 3.

I just realized that Hot Fuzz sort of has the same gearshift as Adaptation. Think about it: Simon Pegg spends the whole first two acts trying to explain that big-city cop life is nothing like the Michael Bays and John Woos would have us think, then the final third is nothing more than every single character shooting

oh hey, also, miller:

mbs apparently wants some unrequited rick springfield yearing.

Does Shaun of the Dead count? I know there are zombies right from the start, but the third act has very few jokes and takes a pretty tragic turn.

Boogie Nights
There are few things I enjoy more than watching Boogie Nights with someone who has never seen it before. Especially now that John C. Reilly is Mr. Comic Star whatever guy. They think it's all funny and lighthearted and haha-look-how-great-it-was-to-be-a-porn-star-in-the-70's then BLAM! William H. Macy

not dallas.

oh god, I forgot that one. Plus: THEY BLOW UP THE WORLD. Fucking wonderful. Also, all the airmen got condoms, lipstick, nylons, and miniature russian phrasebook/bibles.

I will admit it: without pot, Kraftwerk works best as background music. But every music critic in the 70's was high on at LEAST pot, and when I'm super-spaced-out-holy-crap-I'm-high, the usual more simple and straightforward music doesn't do it for me. I'm just sayin', Kraftwerk+Ganja=funtimes.