Cuddly Toy

The first time I watched Strangelove, I was expecting way zany Clouseau-ish characters and slapstick. The film intentionally starts out slow, establishing itself as a movie set well within the universe we live in, where zany slapstick shit just doesn't happen. But as the situation gets more tense, and the characters

Joanna Newsom is OK, but Van Dyke Parks is a fucking genius. She was a nifty little outsider artist with a very cute gimmick, but Parks elevated her to true classic-album status. I know I'm not giving her enough credit, but his strings jump, and twirl, and create whole worlds to get lost in. She's a damn good

dude, smoke more pot. My pushing-sixty mother and I agreed recently that there are few pleasures more pure than getting really, really, really stoned and listening to Kraftwerk. If you're not high, it's just okay.

Man, I'm a few years off from 19, and I take personal offense to that, but ageism aside I still think that's an unfair assessment. For me, Animal Collective as a whole, and this album in particular, are great because they take simple pop melodies that would make excellent hooks to more straightforward rock songs and

Paul Thomas Anderson has described TWBB as "a boxing match" which is exactly what you should be watching it for. Sure, themes about corruption and family and capitalism and religion are good and whatever, but look how Plainview just fucks over every single person who gets close to him! Listen to the absolutely

I never understood why Seth Mcfarlane never just made an animated sketch show. The jokes are hit-and-miss (mostly miss), but some of the random cutaway gags are pretty funny. It just bothered me that he never made a single damn attempt at relatable characters or coherent plots. Occasionally a funny joke said by the

I'm sure Nabin is down with poetry jams. Specifically of the def variety. And I can sympathize with him on that, because the only poets I like, let alone tolerate (e.e. cummings, ferlinghetti), were handed to me on an AP-English tinted platter.

to be fair, "pop fuzz psychedelia" can really only apply to a few bands currently active, and Animal Collective is the best of them. BMSR, as good as they are, will likely agree.

The Purple Bottle and Summertime Clothes, no doubt. Let's see:

Oh! The Grandeur! is the best 1920's album since the 1920's

I just gasped
One of these days we're gonna get together
and I'm gonna tie your wrists with leather
and drill a tiny hole into your head
I'm gonna drill a tiny hole into yooouuuurrrr (seven seconds of pure mindblowing violin bliss)