zombie utopia

It's fascinating to see how Walt's lying as evolved to the point where even though people see through his lies, he can still leverage enough power to come out on top. Jesse knows Walt's the one who killed Mike, but when Walt says, "I need you to believe this," Jesse complies knowing that he shows doubt, he's gonna end

The look on Dean Norris' face was gut-wrenching. I don't even know if those blows were necessarily directed at Walt, but more to the monster he's been chasing all these years. But when Walt revealed how cunning and evil he truly was, Hank saw the two as one and the same and was stunned at how "Walt the brother-in-law"

Any guesses on how Jesse would've been killed off in Season 1? Was Tuco's beatdown supposed to be his end? Or was Jesse even intended to last that long? Also, in addition what's state above about him being the moral center, he's also crucial to the plot since he's Walt's guide into the meth underground (especially the

Anyone see the promo where Cranston read the poem "Ozymandia" (also the title of the 3rd-to-last episode) set to some gorgeous shots of the New Mexico landscape?

And she likes it rough, so there will be blood.

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus Fuck "Shiny Happy People," marry "Losing My Religion," and kill "Everybody Hurts."


You seemed real easy and willing to put out, so roll in the cream cheese, roll in the cream cheese!

Everyone's forgetting about a pivotal plot point initiated in this episode: the bracelet! Dean's talisman for Rory's love has been abandoned on the bridge! Symbolism! Drama forthcoming!

Henpecked by the OPEC!

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say

It was in "Viva Ned Flanders" when Homer dragged Ned to Vegas and they married some hookers.

Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!

"Sorry, Aggrieved Parties, I gotta go where the action's hot."

Finally got to rewatch the episode and I do believe I've found some sort of thread connecting these seemingly disparate stories and also may lead to a central thesis for the season. The guy from Avon that Joan and Peggy meets with says that they're trying to figure out if they should go "groovier or stay nostalgic."

I feel like I've been slammed with doors this whole season.

"It's Saturday?"

Yeah, right? I don't think she's exceptionally attractive, but she sure is goddamn magnetic. And probably my favorite cast member now that Hader's gone.

Whereas NCIS:LA simplified the premise with merely Rapper, Dumb Gay Robin, and Tiny Old Lady with Glasses solving murders.

We cool.