Student loans? I thought Jeff's tuition was just the Dean's weekly groping of his chest.
Student loans? I thought Jeff's tuition was just the Dean's weekly groping of his chest.
I don't know much about Tristram Shapeero apart from seeing that he's been with the show awhile and directed some great episodes, but yeah, that whole sequence was butt-ugly. None of his episodes were action-based so maybe that's not his forte? But I'm gonna need to watch the first three paintball episodes to watch…
-1. "She's the apple that goes in the pig's mouth."
Yeah, what made this group so endearing was the fact they actively and repeatedly chose to be together even when individual selfishness threatened to break them apart (I mean, that was the theme of the goddamn Christmas episode THIS season!). Saying "The universe brought us to this point with with each other" clearly…
Well here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of the darkest timeline. There is no why.
But the problem is that they're still in Cornwallis' history class, which is in the first semester. Which raises even more questions because that's supposed to be Jeff's last credit needed for graduation. God, NBC really fucked over this show's continuity.
I love that line to Pete. Pete was trying to show off how he had his own pad and one-upping Don as an adulterer while Don's like, "You think you're becoming a better player than me? Son, I OWN the game."
Yeah, I'm seriously glad I'm not the only nerd who marked out and said, "Holy shit! Miraculous Dan Harmon appearance!"
Apparently, Todd's never fallen into *her* Gravity.
Little Carmine—er, Jonesy had the heart attack (or whatever that was) during the flashback before Don and Meghan's Hawaii trip. Notice Don and Meghan are wearing different clothes as they cut back in time (esp. Meghan, she's got an orange outfit on instead of the leopard print coat). Also, the doctor and his wife…
"I like the case! It looks like a coffin."
More like a continuing evolution into Roger. Next comes the heart attack…
Ironically, I thought Brie Larson looked a lot like Zooey Deschanel with the dark hair and glasses.
Boyd needs Wynn now seeing as the remaining hierarchy of Boyd Crowder's criminal enterprise looks like:
The Sammy Tonin - Nicky Augustine rivalry did seem a wee bit convenient plot device. All I kept thinking of was why Augustine was so dogged in the Thompson search when he knew a Theo conviction meant weak-ass Sammy was all that stood in the way to the throne.
Welp, Raylan's suspension ends in 30 days. Which means the timeline for next season starts…the day after the events of the season 4 finale.
Omega Theta Rho
Guest Appearance, College Cut-up 2: Panty Raid Academy
We all know they're gonna offer the job to Seinfeld—and then bring Letterman back for a severely reduced salary.
It wasn't That 70's Show"? I was just amusing myself with visions of Hedberg and Frampton in the same 360 pot roundtable.
The one thing that I'm most struck by this season is the wild variation in quality WITHIN each episode. Before, a typical episode had stuff that I would nitpick, but generally didn't pull me away from liking or even loving it. But in episodes this season, there have been be plot points,scenes, characterizations, etc.…