zombie utopia

Tis a mythical vessel in search of the most impenetrable coves at the ends of the earth.

Don't make Jean Ralphio use a falsetto. He will put you on the ground.

I love that Pawneeans have no sense of shame and actually go in droves to a porn shop when normal folk would just bunker down at home with the Internet. And I love that that's the one time Morris, aka "It's-Totally-Free-Online Dude" doesn't show up to point to his phone and go, "Uh, hello?"

I wonder if they foreshadowed Art's death when Rachel said to Raylan "You might even end up being my boss."

I'm really digging these dialogue-free opens. Couldn't the whole show just be like that? That way I wouldn't have to hear Andrea talk. She's a real Boutros Boutros Ghali ain't she?

I'm reluctant to go "classic", but the idea of telling two Thanksgiving stories about forced/chosen families really hit the sweet spot at times, even if there were some weak points like Abed's narration. The last scene was heartwarming, but putting the Dean there felt kinda forced since Jeff was none too pleased with

So why did Shelby/Drew flee when he got reassurance from Hunter that he wouldn't spill the beans? Did he feel it was inevitable that Raylan would hunt down the truth (which ironically happened while Shelby got the word from Hunter in Raylan's car).

But then she's gonna retaliate with a song about that song and thusly rewarded with more Grammys and a first-class ticket to Heaven.

Yeah, @avclub-5c7646b1d39fc0715f330479e4e5f254:disqus , that wasn't completely serious. Morris was all hung over and when Carter said that, he was confused and Carter just took it back with a "Nevermind."

And good lord, she addressed someone by her name (that felt like a first). And she empathized with people. Have they actually fixed her?

Yeah, the negative hype braced me for something far more terrible than what I saw. Not good, but still not worse than the low points in Geography of Global Conflicts or the dullness of Competitive Wine Tasting.

I like Gunslinger Raylan. But I think Ice Cream Lickin Raylan is the real winner.

"I ain't helpin no strangers that ain't ever cooked me a meal or fellatiated my piece!"

Oh, what I wouldn't have given to see a cutaway shot from Rick and Ghost Lori to Michonne watching him make out with a walker.

He'd be a much better antagonist if the other characters can figure out his transparent ploys. Seriously, how did they not see that he was Jammin up the emergency drill to keep Leslie away from the gala planning? They couldn't see he was up to no good when he, uh, showed up?

Infantile Troy's worth it just for the face he makes while he was swinging on the sex swing.

*stomps* Mazel, baby!

More thoughts to the thought pile:

He's also in Breaking Bad as Jesse's rehab mentor.

"So, we're back to killing both of em?"