2 clew newby

So far, RW seems to underline everything before it as prologue (even I some claim what comes after prologue not as good as what before)

Actually really replying to @avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus  (again:  snap!) + @HobbesMkii:disqus :  SPOILERS BOOK 5 / SPECULATIONI thought "3 heads has the dragon" was canon on TV too.  Dany, Jon, Young Griff
I think too many clues re R's last days and Ned's secret promise for that to be unwritten.

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus BOOK 5 SPOILERS and SPECULATION:
I had really been convinced that the Hound was thought to have died off-page, been accused of out-of-character atrocities off-page, and (much later) been confirmed off page as having died in the first place with no connection to those

OK, full marks to people below: 
Had never considered that JS might be properly dead and resurrected.  thought one needed a complete soul to be one of the heads of the dragon, but perhaps not

Season 1 (10 episodes) = book 1 (long).
Season 2 (? episodes - maybe 10) = presumably 1 book
Storm of swords:  2 books, each about as long as GOT (although taking 20 weeks or something in book time, most of it slow travel))
They will need to have longer seasons (16 or 20 eps) or break books up to make it work

@avclub-e0b5b498f16be63117db8605f5ad6262:disqus - Spoilers ADWD - Mopatis is well aware of who is rowing down the river to a rendezvous with Dany, so who is to say that Varys doesn't know that?  That would mean that Viserys is not Varys' final and best plan.

When I saw the review, I was thinking "yeah, it pre-dates Guffman, but there are precedents for overwrought and inept directors and community theatre, aren't there? "Noises Off" dates from the 80s as one obvious example."

Spoilers … possibly

"Winter is coming" is a Westerosi, Song of Ice and Fire thing.  Why do seasons last (up to, but variable) decades, and to the whole world at once?  Maybe the planet has no equatorial tilt, and the "seasons" are caused by variability in the production of the local star (and perhaps the level of magic on the planet at

I was surprised by the number of eliminations too. Money saving thing?  If they eliminate more teams before flying long haul to Europe, that's saves a bunch of flights.  (Camp loser is in the Americas, eg)

Sorry about that.  It was probably pretty hardcore for the time.  "Too Dead For Me" is on YouTube and is kind of hardcore with some high BPM MIDI stuff.  It sounds harsher as audio without the video clip.  (Listening to the best of that was one of the noisier, harder to listen to hours of, ones)

Episodes upon episodes of Bajoran (or Cardassian) politics.  Actually really interesting to watch the political cycles move, behind all that stuff that is happening in the foreground

Bringing to mind the Voyager joke where Janeway permanently neutralises defeats the Borg by tricking them into assimilating an ISO 9000 specialist  …

@avclub-77330e1330ae2b086e5bfcae50d9ffae:disqus spoilers also

I _like_ ATR, would not take them off the MP3 player, but after about 2 hours straight it can become hard to take.

Sounds awesome

If we are looking for music that is hard to listen to,Atari Teenage Riot has to be it.  It has a beat and you can dance to it, but that beat seems to mostly be power tool samples at 1 million beats per minute.

Triple J have always pronounced it
gurr tyeh

As Aussie, Baseball "not boring" because each pitch makes a difference [except when full count, foul balls do not change the state of the game].  In 5 day test cricket, several no-run, no-wicket overs may not affect the result.

Riker's Beard!