2 clew newby

They even have lots of soundtrack pieces.  I can't see why they were not huge everywhere.

Totally agree on timbuk 3 (the self titled album is a gem if you can find it) and Wall of Voodoo and Stan Ridgway.

Shriekback (particularly the fantastic Oil and Gold) should have been much bigger than they ever were.  If an indie dance grouip released say "Nemesis", or "Everything that rises must converge" as [your name here] vs Shriekback, and changed nothing, they could have a huge hit.
Also, early Momus.
Plus, Dismemberment

Infinite franchises: nice. Let us have multiple competing JLA films with different creative teams. It works for everything else.

I thought Starro would be good, but mainly because it offers good opportunities for the inevitable spin-off "Lego JLA" game - which I am fully keen about.


There's a very oblique Maltese Falcon joke in Saturn's Children by Charles Stross (highly recommended).


I saw that it was to be reviewed and thought "if anything is a secret success, THIS IS IT". it was pretty clear from the outset of the (thoughtful, well written) review.

I would also like to see continued coverage, but will read the comments one week late because SPOILERS as we're a week delayed in Australia.

I was also thinking of "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead (plus assorted umlauts), on the way to terminal velocity, then slotting Echo and the Bunnymen's "Ocean Rain".

Much of the Ceebeebies stable is good for very young children, and has similar qualities to what is noted above - a consistent format from episode to episode (same as Dora), and some simple music.

In Russia, Firefly about what.

Suspension of disbelief: FBI protocol division
It perhaps is because John C McGinley so heroically resuscitates "antagonistic boss" that I can't see why Utah doesn't end up serving life for murdering his partner while being a bankrobber.

Looking at the top photo, we see the old Keanu's "mouth slightly open" looking vacant acting.

The thing is, this isn't about the girl being smacked around (which would be bad). This is foreplay between 2 powerful entities that canh't really be hurt. Physically.

@Binky: Dub seems to me to generally more towards the downer end of the whole music spectrum, but "No Protection (Mad Professor vs Massive Attack's protection) and Laika Come Home by Space Monkeys (dub remix of Gorillaz self titled debut) are said to be dub and are well worth a listen.

I take it that The Monitor is no longer available in Australia?

(@Lovecraft: thanks for responding)
No good reason for them not to be released in Australia.

It says below that I have about 12,000 songs on random on my iPod. There's a RHCP compilation album that I have not ripped, almost alone among 400 odd CDs. They just seem a bit … tiresome to me.