
The worst part, imo, was the look on Catelyn's face right before her throat was slit. She was as good as dead in that moment, and that was honestly the most painful part for me.


"'m waiting for a new multi-camera sitcom to come along and blow me away, but it hasn't happened yet"

The gas station rebate episode was absolutely hilarious.

In my opinion, Sherlock was just so happy to be away from Joan's watchful eye for awhile that he didn't thoroughly analyze the whole "Moriarty calls Watson" scene.

I think a B-/C+ (probably leaning toward the C+) is fair for the season as a whole.

I'm pretty sure it was a wig.

Also, I laughed at the Duplass bros for probably the first time since their introduction.

The hangers were just so random, and I laughed so hard.

I loved it. Don't know what else to say other than I thought this was the best episode of the season.

You're not wrong. The Mindy Project was fantastic tonight.

I won't mind if she gets married, but if she doesn't I'm praying it's because she doesn't want to, with no interference from Schmidt.

"Really into Tina Fey and Amy Poehler"?

"That's what I want from The Mindy Project, which occasionally excites me by having a perspective that is significant to me and not frequently voiced."

I definitely agree that the show needs to ditch the office-setting and center in on Mindy's outside life. Nothing truly interesting happens in the office, and it often seems like the writers try to ditch it as soon possible.

He tried pressuring her to take a job in a field she had recently quit. There's no way he would have gone to THAT extent if Watson were a guy. He's worried about her safety, but her gender clearly adds to it.

It's a lot more impressive knowing it was more or less a first draft that they shot.

It's not that bad, and there have actually been a few times where it brought more laugh-out moments than the episode of New Girl before it. But it's not as good as it should be, and nowhere near the same quality as New Girl.

Was it the Wedding episode? Jess and Winston have had a few sweet moments, (The Wedding, Bells, Bathtub), which makes me wish the writers gave them more scenes together.

I totally agree with you. Slimming down the cast and shifting the focus away from the workplace and onto Mindy's personal life would make this a better show. The better eps have been the ones that stick closest to the romcom theme.