
honestly, i think the wedding won't happen because cece will find out she's pregnant w/schmidt's baby. i can't help but feel their one night stand earlier in the season was meant to allude to this.

I was pretty shocked that Nick knew what a podcast was.

I don't know if I really feel that Elizabeth and Schmidt are perfect for each other, and not for any Schmidt/Cece-related reasons. I feel like they were perfect for each other years ago when they first dated, but they've both changed.

The sheer desperation in his second "Where my cake at?!" cry was great.

That's actually really sweet. It is pretty amazing to see a chubby Indian woman starring in her own show.

I REALLY wanted to love this episode, but honestly, the Winston D-story really left a bad taste in my mouth. I suppose I get how "meta" and potentially hilarious it is that an episode w/Winston's name in the title would barely feature him at all, but the fact that this show is going into it's third year and still

It does tend to feel like they're constantly making major script changes at the very last minute.

I was mostly okay with the episode until the frat party. They got some good moments out of that, but it really reached a point of ridiculousness that was hard for it to bounce back from. There was just…so much going on, and not all of it was particularly interesting. The past few episodes were pretty good on plotting,

I didn't hear a word that was said in any of the scenes featuring that puppy.

@avclub-9d67b0284c2caf6ad412db085a4838b5:disqus @avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus I don't even know if I believe she should have gone with Sandor. I always thought it was strongly implied he was attracted to her; he gave off the same rape-y vibes that Littlefinger does.

Which opportunities has she had to escape? I can only remember the offers from Sandor and Littlefinger, and neither of those were promising at all.

Has there been confirmation that the Frey girls are unattractive? I think it'd be funny if they were actually the opposite of their awkward-looking bros and were extremely beautiful.

What happened to the first smoke baby? Did it die w/Renly?

Yeah, as soon as Ygritte said her little "don't betray me" speech, I thought she was definitely going to die. I'm glad she didn't, though.

I doubt Sansa believed that marrying Loras would set her life back on track, but it would definitely have been one good thing in the midst of all the incredibly shitty things she's had to deal with, her impending marriage to Tyrion being one of them. She likes Loras, sure, but Loras was also her ticket out of King's

@nowlo:disqus I've kind of just assumed he's an idiot.

Same, mainly because I'm a sucker for friends just hanging out and having fun together. And the fact that HE may not return definitely added to that.

It's kind of weird to me that anyone really "ships" characters on this show, save for maybe Brad and Jane. Happy Endings is a such a cartoonish show that, as mentioned in the article, tends to put comedy before anything else, so it seems like it'd be harder to really get invested in the romantic relationships.

It's crazy to me that they sleep in that house with no protection.

Still not as bad as the mimosa thing from the last review.