
I think a season of Tessa living with Alex could be pretty great. Although I do hate seeing George and Tessa on opposite sides like this.

Oh, yeah! I totally forgot about the incest thing. That makes sense.

The "you little bastard" line definitely seemed significant, but I have absolutely no idea who the Boltons are? When were we introduced?

Yeah the girl giving birth was the same one Sam fell in love w/for that one episode. I didn't get that scene though: what was wrong with the baby?

Winners win and Losers lose 
And Alcoholics, they just booze
They win at drinking, that's their thing
But our thing's always just win-ning
We're Brad and Jane, let's start the game!

I'm sure if I go back and watch it now, the episode will be a melodramatic mess with cringe-y acting (I still laugh at clips of Jimmy's dramatic fall after he's been shot), but at the time that episode was so shocking to me. I cried a bunch, especially since it wasn't clear if Jimmy actually survived.

Never watched it, but I'm sad the gorgeous girl in the pic is out of a job.

I wish the Ryan/Tessa relationship had been given more development, but the acting by both parties was excellent in the breakup scene.

I agree that at some point she must have thought about it. I guess that's what Josh meant by that line about her ignoring the things she doesn't want to deal with? Hard to say until we see how Mindy feels in future eps.

@thereigninglorelai:disqus I'm hoping the Winston's Birthday episode will finally give him a meaningufl storyline.

I think it's totally possible, and even makes sense for Mindy to not have considered Danny as a romantic option until now. I've gotten the impression that they started working together in the midst or just after his divorce, and we've already seen how bitter and cynical that made him. When the show began they didn't

It was a throw-away joke. Definitely sexist, but I still thought it was hilarious.

I agree! TMP still has its problems and the episodes still tend to feel uneven, but one of the few things they have been consistent about has been the development of Mindy and Danny's relationship. I don't think accidental hand holding, or Mindy questioning the nature of their relationship is unbelievable.

"Danny tells Mindy to have another mimosa." He was citing her breakfast mimosa as a reason why she couldn't drive to see Josh, not encouraging her to have another.

Hands down, worst problem for me was the dialogue. I kind of cringed at the First (seriously, they broke up TWICE in this episode!) reconciliation, but, like you said, by the time Dorrit's "revelation" came around, I was rolling my eyes big time. The whole "I was numb this whole time until now," or whatever she said

I figured they had him say that because it could put Loras' life in danger

"Dude, this new hockey game is awesome."
"Yeah, it's so realistic it won't even let me create a black player."

I do want Danny and Mindy together at some point, but I agree that with their current characterization, they would instantly regret it. I think it's obvious Danny has feelings for her (while Mindy remains oblivious), but he's still way too bitter and dickish, and Mindy is still too…Mindy for a relationship to even

I definitely remember them saying something about her leg being broken. I don't know why they've kept her in the chair for so long.

I'm with you on the first part —I think Jess wrote something to the effect of 'fuck buddies' and Nick wrote something about starting a real, meaningful relationship— but I don't know if Jess has realized that yet.