
All of the Mindy/Danny scenes were enough to push this into B+ territory for me. I do agree that " there just needs to be a lot more show built around it" though.

I feel like the writer's are trying to hammer home how Nick and Jess are their own worst enemies in this situation; that they're over-thinking this whole thing to death while being too immature to just have a real conversation about what they want.

College Schmidt and Winston awkwardly staring at each other after Nick leaves, Schmidt croaking out "Niiiick," just about killed me. Another hilarious episode.

Exactly how I feel. 

you mean a Fo' Sca-pay?

she and the actress who plays Dalia have noticeably lost weight this season

Well that took a turn lol. Totally didn't expect Dalia's evolution into a sociopath. I wonder what her motive could be for fucking with everyone's heads/the pics with Daddy Altman? I thought the episode was OK (found George's storyline a bit boring), but the Dalia stuff left me intrigued.

I didn't mean she looks old, just that she looks older than she is, which drew my attention to the age difference between her and the actors playing her parents.

Yeah, just visually they all look way too close in age. I'm surprised to learn the lead is only 36; she has an 'old' face.

"I want Casey to like it, I don't care about God."

I really can't imagine Seth Meyers hosting a talk show. Or rather, I can't imagine him being good at it.

I agree the TMP joke wasn't bad (I thought it was funny), but there does tend to be at least one pretty broad black joke in almost every episode. None of them have really offended me , but I can see why other black people watching could be offended. Particularly by the way they insist on playing the 'white people

It kind of sounds like the potential intro of a 90s teen Nickelodeon show. I'm not a fan of it either.

As stated in the review, the show still suffers from a lot of the issues it's been suffering from for awhile now —severely underdeveloped supporting characters, stories tend to seem slapped together—but I still enjoyed a lot about this episode. There were some solid laughs, and since I'm a shameless Danny/Mindy


The only thing keeping my interest in this episode was Mouse and Thomas. I love that pairing! They have the potential to bring out the best and worst in each other, and I'm excited to see where it all goes. The actor is who plays West is pretty beautiful, too.

I suppose Osha (sp?) would also fit under the 'unattractive' label. But I see what you mean.

@RedScarab:disqus   Oh yeah, I knew he was the Mad King's hand. I was just responding to @avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus saying they found it odd there was no mention of Tywin being the Hand before, and commenting that I think there was a mention of it in the scene with him and Tyrion.

If one of the Stark kids (Arya, Sansa, Rickon, Bran) die this season, I'm going to be a mess. I'm so nervous for those babies.

I could have sworn one of them mentioned that Tywin was the Hand before. Something about Tywin being the Hand before he gave the position to Tyrion, who he believes wasted the title by associating with "whores" or something like that..