
"Margery did a great deal of work with the poor back in Highgarden."

I'm excited to for all the cloaked insults those two are gonna hurl at each other for the rest of the season. 

Her call with the maybe-but-not-really Stouffer's descendant at the end of the Mac and Cheese vs Pizza episode was amazing. "Wasn't it Christopher Reeve who once famously said, 'OOWWWW!'" made me choke on my drink, I was laughing so hard.

The finale of that new British series My Mad Fat Diary so closely mirrored a lot of my own issues with depression and recovery. I honestly felt like someone had hacked into my brain and turned it into a fantastic episode of television. (It's a really good show, I highly recommend btw).

I remember when I actually had hope that ABC might pick up HE for another season, even with all the crazy schedule changes & attempts to burn through the rest of the episodes…then they came out with this bs "Save Happy Endings" campaign, and I realized this show is basically as good as dead.

"Coasting" is exactly the right word.

I get that, but it still feels like they are appearing much less than I usually expect recurring characters to appear (ex. Cece from New Girl). Or maybe it's like @avclub-11997aab46c754fb90f36b9d8e4eaf99:disqus said, and I'm just feeling the absence more because eps w/o the Shay siblings & others are "kind of a drag".

This episode was just okay. Something has just felt off these past couple of episodes. I laughed a couple of times in this episode (Fred was great), but it didn't leave a lasting impression. The resolutions to the Dalia/Noah storylines didn't really feel earned, pairing Fred and Tessa didn't work as well as it could

@avclub-3c9b5f1cd6a030bcb7bed9eac80589fb:disqus I completely agree w/your comment, especially the part about TMP being funny in terms of jokes, not characters. That's consistently been my biggest complaint with this show: it exerts no effort to develop any of the characters that aren't Mindy or Danny. I think the show

I think that guy (a cousin?) was from Boston, but was just visiting for the funeral.

I had to Youtube this to make sure it was an actual thing that was said on television, and…it was, oh my god.

I mostly agree with the review, but I gotta say, I really felt like one of my friends just lost a parent during this episode. The episode was definitely a little too broad for me (esp the Elvis stuff), but at this point, I feel like I know the characters so well that watching Nick and co. deal w/the funeral really got

Yeah, I'm one of the few who doesn't hate Linda. Her interactions with Brandon in Coffins and Cradles pretty much made it impossible for me to hate her; the lamaze class scene & them screaming "Fuck you!" at each other when she's in labor are some of my favorite Home Movies scenes ever.

My main takeaway was that Shakira is absolutely adorable. Absolutely.

This is a weird question, but I'm kind of confused by the goo monsters/the sentient bubblegum. Are they supposed to be people (or animals) mutated by the Mushroom War, or are they just life that's grown post-apocalypse? Has there been any answer/mention of this on the show that I've missed?

It took me a few seconds to catch up, and then I had a "Wait, are they eating the deer?" moment. That (weirdly) felt like one of the darkest things AT has done, for some reason.

I really like that Carrie has more or less suspected Walt's sexuality since the Pilot (iirc), but she's never pressed the issue, or tried to force a confession out of him. Such a great example of how to be a friend who might be questioning their sexuality.

I actually really liked this episode. Maybe I'm just happy the show is back, but I laughed a fair amount and smiled throughout. The episode was not cohesive, like you said, but I kind of enjoyed that? It felt like a series of vignettes, but it worked for me.

It's always so distracting when those jokes pop up in this show. They feel out of place, somehow.

The past couple of episodes were just so good that I admit I was a little let down by this one, which imo didn't have as many "laugh out loud" moments as the others. I did think Jess had some really great lines, and I enjoyed her coming to terms with her feelings for Nick. I laughed pretty hard at the caulk puns too,