
He might as well have been talking about him and Jess.

"The Party" is one of my absolute favorite Home Movies episodes. Everything from McGuirk to Jason going on a candy bender is just perfect imo.

Melissa slowly dropping into the frame like "What..the..fuck?" while Jason admits he's never told his parents about her and Brendan, is one my favorite things to ever happen on the show. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

Oh, yeah that is a bit of an age gap. 16 wouldn't be too bad, I guess.

How old is Doritt supposed to be?

"I had a Halloween party?"


"Jane stars in a very special one-woman investigation, Watson: All On Her Own."

Totally agree. The webseries was great! I really hope it survives on Comedy Central though.

I don't remember the exact episode, but I do remember thinking in Season 1 that they were setting up a Blake/Jillian pairing somewhere down the line. (And I think in general, Blake tends to be a lot more protective than the others when Jillian is involved.)

A moment that hasn't been mentioned yet—when Jill tells Tessa she'll be giving her a writing assignment, and Tessa says thanks, Jill says "You are very welcome" and just stares at her. The 3 second awkward pause, and the looks on the actresses faces made me choke on my drink, laughing.

The title of this article made me happy! But the content made me sad :(

Yep. Although, there was that transition I noticed, between the club and Donna and her minions entering the school, that had a voiceover that felt especially forced; half of it was drowned out by the sound of the club music, and it added absolutely no new information to the scene that followed.

In my case, his long history of sexism/racism has made it pretty easy for me to be "arrogant and close-minded" toward Stern…

The pacing of that bedroom scene w/all the girls and the Dad was great. Just the right amount of awkwardness and pausing.

In season 3, when Carrie and Sebastian are on the rocks and the show needs more drama, I fully support a Mouse/Sebastian hookup. They're so fun to watch.

As soon as I saw this review, that song started playing in my head. I always loved the part where you hear Shannon chanting with them as it awkwardly dies down.

I looked away during both of the scenes you described. Couldn't handle it.

They could honestly just dump all of those characters to be honest. Jeremy, Betsy, Beth Grant's character…They don't add anything to the show imo, and when they do get scenes they often feel like they're detracting.

I agree it was messed up, but at the same time…they were at a "Tinfinity" party. The party didn't make much sense to begin with, so I assume the people who came were pretty much down for whatever at the point, judging by the girl who assumed the infinity cake was meant for Cece/Shivrang, So I didn't find the lack of