
I also thought he had a crush on her during that episode, but assumed they were just pushing the 'date' thing for comedic effect.

I did enjoy a lot about this episode, but the Maggie/Cop thing is super frustrating to me. Having sex in the cop car in front of your school? Really? It felt extremely contrived just so Donna could see it and have that confrontation w/Maggie, but then Maggie went ahead and told Carrie anyway, so…what was the point of

Nice screenname :)

I'm hopeful this season alone will put an end to the smug "Zooey can't act/isn't funny" camp. She's done some amazing work this season ("Puppy…in a…cup" instantly comes to mind) and deserves to be recognized for it.

I could see them entering some sort of extremely ill-advised fwb situation, but I don't think the characters are, at this point in time, ready for a real relationship with each other. They're still so immature in their dealings w/each other that they'd undoubtedly just break up in 3 days. I like how things are

The Danny/Mindy scenes are consistently the best part of the show imo, mainly because their budding friendship is one of the few things that has been consistent in this show.

If the show gets a second season, I really hope they retool it to be a show about Mindy's life outside of her workplace (with regular appearances by Danny, of course). It just works so much better when it doesn't pretend to be an office comedy.

Apart from the fact it was offensive, it also just wasn't a funny enough joke to end on. They definitely could have punched that up…

Man, I only wish ABC had fought this hard for Don't Trust the B—— in Apt 23.

Can someone explain to me why NBC is so insistent on keeping this show alive? Is it because they don't want to lose Arnett or Rudolph to other projects? What's happening here?

Is it my imagination or do they have Adam singing a lot more since Pitch Perfect?

Did that boy just say his name is "Kevuel?"

Wasn't he raised by clowns? Because in that case, the answer is "No".

I thought it was a pretty solid episode (esp in comparison to a few others in the season). Mindy and Danny were great, as usual, and watching Danny fumble with the model vagina was great, as was Mindy in the cold open. She really is adorable! And I like that the show continues to remind us that she really IS a

"No, I mean condoms…for my penis!"

"*sarcastically* Yeah, I know nothing about men. That's why I'm wearing a short skirt and wool tights"

My chest hurts from laughing so hard. This has to be THE funniest episode of New Girl yet.

Mindy Kaling's hot!

So has the Happy Endings hiatus already begun?? I thought it was going to air until the 26th, or whenever that Celebrity Swap (or w/e) begins?

I liked this episode, and the way Dorrit's angst was somewhat central to the plot. I will say that I hope they find another arc for her character, because the "Dorrit acts rebellious and fights with her dad and Carrie, then Dorrit and Carrie/Dad make up" is starting to wear a little thin, especially since it all gets