
How come no one ever mentions Qui when they talk about David Yow? They did some real weird work together.

respect the badge, we ask the questions!

new 3d or old 3d?
i assume this is in the "new" style of 3d, with the fancy glasses. But the poster and some of the ads show people wearing the old, red and blue, anaglyph 3d glasses. Anyone know the deal? Sorry i'm such a 3Dummy.

they're gonna kill that poor woman!


Anyone else notice that the opening theme is almost "White Trash Heroes" by Archers of Loaf?

i loved that episode! Damn communication stones!

Eric is pregnant! Congratulations dippy! He's gonna be a soccer player!

UGH! Glasses back on!

oh alright
fine, fine, i'll watch it. JEEEEEEZ.

i immediately thought it was Alpha, also. Still nice to finally see a picture of them with Bobby in the front. BOBBY D FTW!!!

I've seen this!!
This is the only FTTF that I have seen prior to the article. I remember it being very….I don't remember it.

damn dvr.

no resolution?
loved that they left us to assume that girl steve kissed was dead. How did American Dad become so awesome?

For real! If only Weller was addicted to bug juice, we would have come full circle…

I can't believe not one of you nerds has mentioned how very Cronenbergian this episode was. That is never a bad thing.

TV's that are larger than 22" but smaller than 50" are the only acceptable, non-douchey TV's. Also, they must be brand name: Sony, Samsung, and LG are acceptable. Any other brands may be douchey. Cable is non-douchey, broadcast television is, from this moment on, douchey; as it implies a faux-bohemian lifestyle and

i'm in
in for life on this one. while i see and understand the problems many have with this show, and indeed this episode, i can't help but love it. i watched SG1 and SG:A on Hulu, and spent a good deal of time rolling my eyes. not to say there weren't some actual laughs, but i prefer the tone of SGU. the BSG

Didn't like the rest of the episode all that much, but the BFO'B stuff ruled! His scenes bumped this episode up at least to a B- for me. I could seriously watch that guy read the paper while he takes a shit for a half hour. Come to think of it, his reaction to the news of his daughters death sort of looked