
It would just be nice to have a dry shirt!


and the installation is freeee!

T&E is the most original thing on television since Ernie Kovacs. If you need proof of this, just look around; the show's style is being ripped off everywhere from SNL to cell-phone commercials. It is simultaneously hilarious and terrifying. I honestly feel bad for those who cannot understand it; and I do not believe

@Dumbledore- agreed. I actually tried to re-create that "look" in my actual teenage bedroom, and it just looked messy all the time. So I guess, in my trying to duplicate what I saw in 80's movies, I achieved what they were trying (and failing) to duplicate themselves. It's like, all a big circle, man.

Ferris just liked posters
dude was just into posters. Lots and lots of posters. He probably liked Human League for real, though.

Please, john barleycorn, do not take offense (as I am not specifically referring to you): I am really tired of the phrase "by half" (something is too something BY HALF). It seems to pop up all the time in AV club reviews; and TV club stuff most often. I have no real explanation as to why this bothers me so much. Just

i'm pretty sure that little exchange will come up again in a "previously on Fringe" sometime soon. it will at the beginning of an episode where Peter tells Olivia that he has, in fact, killed people before. and that conversation will most certainly take place in a car. probably at night.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Agnes' line:
"Everybody loves this guy! Give him my number-I'll teach him some things. Things he can use!"

careful when kicking ass Buddy, I think that nerd is hiding brass knuckles!

I ate dinner at the Brown Round once, had a great cheeseburger basket. They used to have peanut shells on the floor, but I guess that's not ok anymore.

Hey Steve Dave, try telling that to the cast of VH1's new show: Celebrity Sex Rehab Rehab.

Let ZMF wear all the masks he wants. If we wanted our faces to be seen here, we'd put them up as our avatars. Like me. I am a dog in a bee suit that types with his paws. VIVA ZMF!

agreed. i don't know where all the ZMF hate comes from. jealousy, perhaps? he is clearly full of joy, and holiday fucking greetings, and his enthusiasm is infectious. my favorite part was when he admitted that he was "just trying to be cute". i think i have a man-crush on him. fuck the fuck yeah indeed.

Shredder doesn't have a clue. I heard first hand from David Yow that the next-gen Nintendo system is going to be called the Nintendo Qui.

Church, still hangin' in there!

wow, i really didn't know finding porn in the woods was as universal as it seems to be. box of Club (Club!) magazines in the woods when i was 12. for those of you unfamiliar with Club magazine, it's british and really, really dirty. think Hustler but with more girls peeing.

on a sinking ship it's every seth for themselves.

i am so sick of the mountain goats i would rather listen to the sound of actual mountain goats being choked to death. and i am a mountain goat herder so that's really saying something. cheers to the avclub for not including them.

schtick to be shtuck with, to use the proper verbiage.