Hold On Now Youngster

If you can think of a better reason to drink and do blow, I'd sure love to hear it!

Just like mama.

Okay, real talk - is this the short of show description that makes broadcast executives get sexually aroused?

Where I can I'll probably be watching the League of Legends World Championship.

As a Bears fan, [incomprehensible guttural screaming]

I like Rex Ryan because he knows how to stand on his own two feet.

Hi, unrepentant Billy Joel fanboy here. (I was raised on Long Island. Sue me.)

Tape Deck Heart helped me discover Frank Turner, but it was, in hindsight, inconsistent, especially compared to his other stuff. It's not his worst album, but the difference between the highs and lows is jarring so that it feels like his worst.

So based on this write-up, this movie is, like, good for a Redbox run, right

Having never seen this show either and having clicked on that link for the same reason, I'd like to request an explanation of that thing. It looks badass.

Design-wise, there was notable drop-off Gen 3 onwards (except Hawlucha, that guy is perfect).

Gen 1 also made direct mention of South America (Mew's Pokedex entry). Over time, they seemed to suggest that the world was its own instance of Earth.

"First time?"
"No, I've commented lots of times."

Sure, but there are ways around that. If you're playing Standard, you're probably sinking ~$100-$500 into the game every few months, depending wildly on what the new "in" decks are. The older formats - Modern, Legacy, and Vintage - tend to require a higher up-front investment of probably $500-$5,000 depending on the

So, I play Magic today. I'm about good enough to regularly win against the kids who show up and tell me about their super-sweet rare card that their best friend three towns over got that's borderline unplayable, a bit above par with most of the other casual attendees, and rarely able to beat the "good" players.

Just so you know - most contemporary tournaments aren't block any more. (I think Mercadian Masques taught them to never do that again.) It depends on your local environment, but if it's not Limited (typically Draft), constructed tournaments are most often Standard, today's equivalent of Type II.

Truly, the 80s are alive and well in $1,695 cosmetic clutches

I am seriously confused at what the internet has gotten upset about here.

Somewhere, a slashfic writer gets to work…