Hold On Now Youngster

Like you, I haven't played a single MGS game (barring that one time I attempted to play Twin Snakes, met the DARPA chief, got frustrated, and quit out - it's just not my type of game play), but I DID trawl through hours of wikis because I was curious.

We get it, Colossus is the name of your dick

Man. FKA looks to be in top form as per usual. Brian Wilson's show is also a total blast, for anyone with the ability to go see it.

"Damn Croissants," available at T.G.I. Friday's this March!

Kanye fan here. Yeah, Facts was a turd.

This album blew the socks off of me - which is impressive since I'm not wearing socks - but now you fools are making me want to give The Next Day another go.

To be fair, I hate Vice and Jezebel anyways.

So, question. This site, among others, has thrown directors/writers/producers/general movie head honchos under the bus before for striving for their vision but not quite getting there (see http://www.avclub.com/artic….

In the piece, Jarnow examines iTunes alternatives like Swinsian, a program that looks a little like iTunes but doesn’t saddle users with DRM limitations.

At least we could understand C-3PO. And he works well as the Greek Chorus.

Everybody here has commented on everything else going on (you can't exactly look at this title and expect rational discussion in the comments section), but let's talk for a bit about your discussion of Tatooine and the fallibility of the Jedi:

Oh God, why do I have so many thoughts on this matter?

And how about those clowns in Congress!

Who keeps buying these things?! They're all the damn same!

Except for the parts where:

Cool Halloween costume, but I don't understand for the life of me how you get it on.

Shit, I'm named after the twee-as-fuck debut album of a Welsh band, and my avatar's a character from Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

The name of the head of the PBA is Patrick Lynch, you tell me if he can get the Catholic League involved

Is there any way I'm supposed to feel about this usename/comment synergy?