Hold On Now Youngster

Zodiac Motherfucker had some thoughts on your list on Twitter.

Early Sweatshirt

The hell are you doing in Ohio?

Oh, so you're Facebook friends with my parents too.

Oh God, let's get RAWK HAWK in this game

Matt, you spelled "Ice Climbers" wrong.

Brian Cox also looks like he has a small child growing out of his thigh.

So I guess you could say that it was a real Slap in the face when you felt emotional resonance from a show with such a silly title

Sony has not clarified how it could continue to function in the music
business with neither an understanding of how royalties work nor a basic
grasp of its digital revenue model.

Don't worry. I'm sure that the adult entertainment industry has much looser standard for Twitter joke morality than Comedy Central.

Can we be both?

Was The Four Seasons of Death the one with four shorts, each reflecting a different season?

There is an extended sequence where Coop uses Megas to destroy the DMV.

Before I start reading, I just swung by to say that I friggin' LOVE Samurai Jack and am so happy to see this article here today

Saw these guys at Burger Boogaloo last year. Hadn't really heard of them, but I was *wildly* impressed.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's been bleed for the past 7 years, but I suspect that has more to do with natural attrition than anything. It's hard to play one game for 15 years straight.

Quick aside: World of Warcraft "won" the then-emerging Mainstream MMO War at least in part because it took the elements of the previous generation (most notably, EverQuest) and reduced the barriers to entry (technical limitations [you can run WoW on a potato], a logical [and customizable] UI, a friendly new player

For your next trick, you can send it to all of your grandchildren from your Netscape email account typing "LOL!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!" in giant, multi-colored Comic Sans MS, grandpa.

I love me some Mr. West, but you can't deny that his media presence is idiosyncratic, to put it charitably.