Hold On Now Youngster

San Fermin? Deerhoof? The Twilight Sad? Honeyblood? Torres?

Congratulations on the interview! May I inquire as to the position?

Just got back from The New Pornographers' show in Oakland. I saw them in October at a festival, but it was great to see them get a whole set to themselves. Neko Case's absence was hardly noticed, which is not to say that she's not vital - quite the contrary - but rather that Kathryn Calder is fucking awesome.

It can be two things!

This is more that Kahn's Power Rangers short didn't do a whole lot for me, largely because it was a gritty reboot, not that there are good gritty reboots. It felt more like getting air-dropped into the middle of generic dystopian sci-fi world #874, the sort of logical end-step of most gritty reboots.

(This is also one of the only times in history that a “dark, gritty”
reboot of a candy-colored children’s entertainment property wasn’t a
terrible idea.)

Tangential aside: I wasn't wild about their debut record, but ho-lee shit can they put on a live show.

I dunno, man - I just read both of those write-ups, and they didn't seem racist, just super tone-deaf.

Yes, the trio’s impromptu attempt at gender warfare was thwarted, but they did get to be put in handcuffs so the night wasn’t a total failure.

Forgive my relative lack of familiarity with comic book mythology, but I was always attracted to Lobo precisely because he was so clearly cheesecake.

The fourth installment of the Cornetto Trilogy.

Right, but given that it's Florence + The Machine, it'd still make sense to drop acid and roll about while profoundly weeping at the sheer beauty of that big disgusting bubblegum wall in Portland or Seattle or wherever to get the tracklist.

This is, like, the worst kept secret in music, though, right?

True. In MMORPG parlance, grinding is associated with repeatedly performing some monotonous activity - typically repeatable quests, monster-slaying, travel etc. - for some reward that increments over time (currency, rare items, or experience, for instance).

I'd imagine it's fairly high pressure with irregular incomes, lots of travel, and generally tons of insecurity for something a bit crazy?

Duly noted, and I admittedly didn't read the article before zipping down here. App point redacted.

In the Magic: the Gathering community, it refers to a tournament-caliber player who frequents many professional-level events to accrue high numbers of points allowing them to play in the highest levels of play.

Props to AV Club's crack PhotoShop team. That's the professionalism I've come to expect of this fine publication.

Who wants to tell him?

My sister's friend's name is Libby. She informs me that she will continue getting her news from BuzzFeed.