Hold On Now Youngster

Band name. I called it, you can't have it!


brb crying in a corner

To be fair, if you spend 99% of your internet commentary time on the crapper, it'll probably work with most things you write.

Hey, get your womansplaining out of this male-safety zone!

This lineup is really stonking good. Time to evaluate the calendar…

"Idiots Upset That Their Stupidity Not Pandered To"

I always thought that Lollipop Chainsaw would make great television.

In other words, this was boring.

Noah Bennett's presence in this inevitable trainwreck makes me think that everything will be alright. Somehow.

Fun Fact: Last time someone posted a comment with a link to a porn website in the comments, I got to have a fun conversation with our company's IT guy.

You can talk to children?!

Y'know, I just got through listening to The Fall for the first time. It was a fun album.

I needed to get the Better Business Bureau involved with them. Over the fact that they began charging me for a service I never asked for and was physically incapable of receiving. And they refused to investigate or rescind.

Man, I wish that I could have purr-loined this idea before these guys made it happen.

Can't say no to that (less cynical) reading. My Bloody Valentine did something similar to that with YouTube and mbv's release.

Just to remove all semblance of subtlety: This is just Father John Misty criticizing digital compression (cough cough Youtube and Spotify and Pandora), right?

Went to go see these guys with a friend who had a spare ticket kicking around in 2011. Musically, I could never get into them, but during a guitar solo one of the guitarist's strings snapped and he continued on. I thought that was pretty neat.

*Comment about your mother, followed by 100+ posts arguing over how many days are in a week*

Yes, the songs have similar structure, but neither of these songs was exactly at the forefront of sonic innovation.