Hold On Now Youngster

"Super Hero Continuity."

Welcome to how internet content works. Promise the sun and moon, deliver two somewhat nicely-colored rocks.

I feel like a certain George Lucas said this about a trilogy of Star Wars prequels he was going to make and Special Editions of the originals.

Thought you wrote Ayn Rand at first, was confused

You say that about everything!


Fun fact: a few years ago, I was invited to a Chive meet-up by a coworker. New to the city and thirsty for friends, I decided to go. 'Besides,' my logic went, 'that's the website with ladies on it, right? Maybe I can go talk to some girls!'

The Chive says otherwise.

You've done a splendid job of minimizing contact with human beings if that's your understanding of the world today.

Thirty seconds into Mural, and this shit is already infinitely better than LASERS or Great American Whateverthefuck

ur mum is a pretty big target ololololo

What are the ingredients for a North Korean Potato Salad?

To be fair, the 56k connection in North Korea may take a little while to fully load the page with said plans.

I sense a bit of personal investment in this issue from the author.

See, I'd click on that, but there's not a snowball's chance in hell I'd give the Gawker suite a fraction of a penny in ad revenue.

You made it that far? God, the season 1 finale crippled my faith, but I gave 2 a shot.

To be fair, height is a real consideration for many people with regards to socializing and relationships, and the optics question is (probably) a real concern (open to the visually savvy correcting me here), assuming that the woman wishes to appear smaller than the man/men in a shot (which, again, many do).

Who cares about the commercial other than an internet constantly fishing for something to be butthurt about, but oh sweet Jesus that fucking cover was claw-my-own-ears-off bad

Could someone who knows a thing about Belle & Sebastian point a neophyte to what should be listened to to determine if they are the sort of band that one would like?