Hold On Now Youngster

May I suggest a weird trick? It's called "don't look at the content."

Crap. I don't have easy access to yipyip aliens. How will I access the site?

Tatum’s got an in—his pal Jonah Hill appeared in Django Unchained—and picturing him delivering snappy Tarantinoesque dialogue while wearing a leather duster and riding a horse just seems so right.

Modern-day Civil War? Would there be a group of people called Wargaters associated with atrocities against humanitarian workers who keep saying "actually, it's about ethics in war-time journalism?"

A black sheriff?!?

You don't have a girlfriend. You're on the AV Club. We're all your girlfriend here.

At least one of those somethings has got to be better than Dads.

Can't be soon enough.

You joke, but I somehow came to own an album by a band called Panel Donor. I just looked them up, and there's a bit more information than the no-information-at-all 5 years ago, but they're still pretty much nonexistent.

Must've been late to this party. What's going on here?

Man, I'm loving these reasons the prior week's 100% correct predictions need corrections

Alright, I'll bite. Let's take a road trip to hell, y'all!

I was coming down here to say something similar. Destiny was like this too - some people loved it, some people despised it, some were mehh on it. It's interecting to see such diverging opiniond on AAA titles, as it feels like historically reviewers have acted as blocks when it comes to big releases.

Yeah, I heard that he died too. Man, that bites - his art was really great.

Oh, Earthbind. It's good to know that Wizards could always move into porn if the hobby industry falters.

I know that the day's gonna come where I'll have to get out of yuppie-tech-centric land. New York felt like finance-douchebag-yuppie land, where bluebloods walked around feeling like their shit didn't stink. The Bay Area just feels like assholes running around claiming they're saving the world and disrupting

If it helps at all, as a tech worker, I'm starting to suspect that there's a substantial subsection of the tech world that doesn't want to buy into the web of bullshit that must sustain it. Most of us just want a source of income, but every company must be Google, so if we get you a ping pong table, you'll work for 18

This is a pretty interesting piece insofar as it helped me realize something I've suspected for a while now. I want everyone here to say something with me:

Yo, are we going "to hell with New York" over here? I was born and raised on Long Island, an hour outside NYC, and lived in Sunnyside Queens for a year before saying fuck this town and moving to the Bay Area for work.

For fans of the game, some of those cards are a really interesting trip down memory lane - Icy Manipulator and Serra Angel used to be best-in-class cards, Clone is just so damn cool, and I'm sure that more than one kid thought that Craw Wurm was the coolest creature ever back in the day.