Hold On Now Youngster

On a serious note, report them, block the user, and step away from the site/monitor/computer for a bit. No comments section is worth getting frustrated over, whether due to mean people, the nature of the site, or anything like that. (A young Hold On Now Youngster on the GameFAQs forums learned that the hard way.)

Kanye West and Paul McCartney might be recording together, if The New York Post is to be believed.

Oh my God

Neither. It's tUnE-yArDs.

Imagine how many lives could have been saved and how many horses could have remained not dressed up if they only had Twitter to waste their time on back then.

Parts were goofy in an overwrought way. I liked Brie brutally murdering someone in the background while teenagers talk about their problems or whatever, and Brie lugging a crossbow to a cocktail party is my idea of bringing a nuclear warhead to a knife fight.

In summation, everything about this will test the very limits of your desire to see Alison Brie and Jennifer Lawrence in a video together.

Given that, I'm not sure that this wasn't some unfortunate YouTube wanderer who got lost on an A7X video's comments section. It should probably read more like: "u, sir, eat the ass whole out of a new born caff??? i hope u choke on ur smal intestins???"

"I'm making a list and I'm collecting info. I'm gonna expose all the trolls"

Would there be an argument for older movies doing a good job of adapting another medium's plot, characters, setting, etc. to the medium of movies while newer movies are more a cynical cash-grab with a gritty rent-a-plot?

No, but really, just watch this two hour long YouTube video and you'll be a BitCoin bajillionaire in no time!*

Take the third option: have original ideas!

I generally try to avoid New York snobbery, but pizza is one topic where I draw the line.

If eating half of a goddamn chicken drenched in hot sauce with two slices of white bread, a gratuitous serving of fries, and slaw - for three friggin' dollars - is wrong, then, dammit, I don't want to be right.

Google the Two Best Friends Play LPs for Homecoming and Downpour. They're special.

The snarky answer is that we all have different tastes, and you're finding yours, and oh isn't that very sweet, but I know that doesn't help much with understanding why everyone else likes it. I enjoy The Gaslight Anthem, but I could understand how Fallon's voice could be off-putting. I find it rough and desperate,

Definitely. I'm sitting here re-listening to it after a botched, sleep-deprived attempt earlier today, and boy oh boy am I happy I went back to it.

Peanut butter tampons?

Hey Zack, wanna come over tonight? I got a copy of Meaning of Life and some pork chops. It'll be sweet.

Side tangent - back when I worked for A+E Television's digital branch, we saw the Liz & Dick trainwreck coming from a mile away. When I went to work the next day, I took some time to trawl Twitter for the best comments on the fiasco and print them out. I still keep those tweets in an end-table and read them when I'm