Hold On Now Youngster

Are you exclusively eating processed American cheese or cheese coming out of a can of compressed air? Are you lactose intolerant? Are you actually The Devil Incarnate? These are valid reasons for you not finding at least one form of cheese you would happily give your life for.

On the one hand, Doctor McNinja avatar.

To be fair, the hivemind was asking for a Pokemon Snap sequel, not this. Got lost in translation, sorry about that one.

God save us all.

You said Brian Cox, and I thought of the British physicist. I've been watching too much damn Would I Lie To You? lately.

Shipping Wars (A&E, 10:30 p.m.): The TV Guide description for tonight’s season finale reads, “Jarrett hauls a giant chair.” Riveting.

Facebook comments on The Onion's articles are that way —>

"Easter egg" here meaning "call-out to something else that happened outside the scope of this movie." They run a bit loose and fast with the term, but it's hardly sacrilege, and was helpful for someone (like me) who only saw about half of the movies and wasn't aware how nicely they all play together.

In college, I was an RA at the University of Chicago, which sits on the border of southside Chicago. We had a lot of kids who had never really been in an urban environment before, and there was crime on the campus (a guy I know got the shit kicked out of him by a group of muggers crossing the Midway, and a grad

Honestly, I disliked Days of Future Past and am generally not captured by Marvel movies, but Guardians was good goofy fun. I found myself constantly thinking Star Wars throughout, even if the pacing was far more frantic.

Edit: wrong comment, sorry

I'm not a fin of pun threads

You know what? A bunch of kids want to run around with brooms between their legs, smashing into one another and hitting one another with balls? Fine. I got no beef with that.

I'd like to slam on Carly Rae Jepsen. Am I right, fellas?

Saw these guys open for METZ and Cloud Nothings a while back. They were a ton of fun. Seeing them on one of those headlining shows, pretty jazzed.

That was a fun scene, and the sketch worked, but I think it highlights how these episodes lacked those bits more than recovers them. It's a fairly standard thing - wife's father comes to live with a young married couple - and it quickly flies off the rails. To @avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus's point,

Y'know, I've never listened to a lick of Morrissey’s solo output. Given how fucking bonkers this fanbase seems to be/Morrissey is towards his fanbase, I don't think I ever will.

I honestly want to read everything about this, including this comment, but I am rather tired, so let me say this for now: I really like your name.

"At the time, Cohl maintained that the tour was just too expensive and would have to make several hundred thousand dollars at every performance to succeed. The Really Useful Group, however, feel the production had every chance at turning a profit, since similar arena tours had succeeded in the U.K. and Australia."