Hold On Now Youngster

Alternative Article Title: "Paul McCartney Needs More Money"

Sorry, I'm a coastal city elite snob whose shit doesn't stink with a fancy college degree and a job in technology. I have peers who love brunch. It's essentially a foregone conclusion that I'll be condescending as hell to these <sarcasm>"patriots."</sarcasm>

I like the idea of deporting a corpse. I'm picturing a catapult set up on the U.S.-Mexico border just lobbing the corpses of traitors over the fence (or whatever we have down there).

Coyote Ugly?

Yeah, books make great heat sinks for my MacBook Pro. Do you know how many system resources it takes to have tabs for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Gmail, Tumblr, and Instagram open at the same time?

But…R. Kelly gave the world Trapped in the Closet. That doesn't excuse the dude from any of his sexual inappropriateness, but surely we can overlook some artistic bankruptcy for that, no?

I don't understand why this comments section is angry. I thought that this was an interesting piece that provided some insight into why people dig celebrity cult and why people pay for the phantasmagoria of a performance like this, and some of the effect the myth-weaving of Jay-Z and Beyonce has on the fan base of

"Thanks for the suggestion, but if I wanted to read that, I'd write my autobiography."

In a universe with thousands of fascinating creatures, monsters, cultures, beasts, technologies, alliances, foes, and personalities…

It's billed as a country-punk act. Those are genres not exactly known to be cornucopias of diversity.

The internet has a very short attention span, so forcing his publicist to issue a lukewarm apology was sufficient?

T. Herman Zweibel has a daughter? Is she hot?

Hey, for real question - does Sammy B get put in the graveyard shift or something?

O'Neal isn't the only one to dip into the cold medicine.

*cough-clears throat*

www.artofmanliness.com tends to have a nice variety of stuff, from the practical to the more exotic ends of the men's interest spectrum.

Where the fuck is Reposted A7X Comment? I feel like the brain trust that is that fanbase must have something to say about this scientific marvel.

Excellent title/picture synergy. I made that face when I saw the article title.

Ah yes, Peacock - the song that taught me that, if I wanted to be successful with women, all I had to do was acquire exotic fowl. Chicks go crazy for exotic fowl.