Hold On Now Youngster

…can the AV Club come over and play?

THE HYPE IS REAL- ResidentSleeper Kappa

Spent Friday smoking cigars with some buddies on a San Francisco rooftop watching the fireworks go off in the bay. Was solid.

Bollocks that. There was totally a French dude in The Patriot. I think he named his son after Mel Gibson's son, because he was so impressed with how awesome Americans are.

I fucking love TBFP.

I am up to the part in your story where you're in DC and I am reading the whole thing in Bender's voice.

Like there's any other way to drink.

We're 15 comments in, and this comments section is already classy. Someone pour me a bourbon, this is gonna be a long one.

You wrote a thing I didn't terribly enjoy —> You should commit suicide

Throw Wes Anderson in. Have Vampire Weekend do the soundtrack. Every single viewer would die of saccharine overload.

Uncanny Valley Ahoy?

Wasn't MacFarlane involved in Ted too? Wasn't that movie not terrible? I don't really watch movies any more, but I heard that one was pretty fun.

Is your wife interested in…photography, eh? 'Photographs, eh,' he asked him knowlingly?

Upvoted for elaborate description

The best part about witch house is that punching a keyboard is both how to get a band name and produce the music.

"…The Limited has just announced a Pope-inspired clothing line."

Well, don't I feel like a tit. I thought you were just referencing David Bowie/Trent Reznor bromance. You have my apologies for missing that one.

…that's some goddamn twisted logic right there.

Sweet! So either '93 or '98 from the looks of things. I was '11, undergrad as well.

Temporary South Sider? Are you a UChicago alum as well?