Hold On Now Youngster

Much of my 9-to-5 job, in a sense, consists of understanding causal relationships between marketing channels and bottom line, especially in the digital space.

Can we make it a White House petition? I want to force the Oval Office to have to respond to it, like with that Bieber fiasco, to give O'Neal more things to write about.

They do. It's how you get generic, challenge-free schlock perpetuating tired norms.

Oh wow, a Powerpuff Girls avatar. I dig.

It's pretty campy and bonkers. A bit slow at points, but it's still an absurd premise for Samuel L. Jackson to run around in. Worth seeing if you have a six-pack, a pizza, and a bunch of buddies over.

Well, you accidentally found a whole damn barrel's worth of it with your introversion comment.

Sadly, genres serve a purpose.

Well, well, well. Based on these comments, we have us a contentious Hatesong and not just David Lynch using a song we all hate as his personal piñata.

Well, they're certainly embracing something, if you catch my drift.

Ideas need to die.

No, but I know where I'll be tonight.

To be fair, I'll sit through a lot of shit for Gary Oldman.

…two things I have to do.

As a glutton for self-inflicted pain, I must ask:

wait what the hell an armored werewolf soldier sounds metal as fuck, brb googling this shit

To be fair, we also get the benefit of making fun of him on the internet, feeling superior, and calling him names like "squealing man-child." So it is a bit more than "ignore him."

Pepperidge Farm will certainly remember.

Just to add another voice to the cacophony of doubtlessly well-developed and not-at-all pointless internet bickering over philosophical/political systems: I'm indifferent to objectivism as a philosophy - like everything else, it has pros, it has cons - but Randian writing is needlessly obtuse and completely idiotic.