Hold On Now Youngster

I read that a bit quickly and thought you were referencing Spaceballs.

Forever? Please. Odds are we'll all forget this happened within a week.

Wow! I've been a student since high school and didn't even know it!

Don't worry. The descriptions of sex in Atlas Shrugged already did that for me.

Nope. Thespian.

Have you ever been in a costume store? They're not precisely hotbeds of sensible branding for people trying to be not-shitty humans.

Oh God that is also (kind of) a thing

I just looked up Brokencyde. The fuck is crunkcore?

Did I miss something? Is it now proper marketing technique to intentionally sabotage your brand?

Not about you, but they care.

Wonderful username/comment synergy.

But something something rhetoric our AMERICAN FREEDOM, MAN!!!

I'm just commenting because my avatar is also a bird.

The AV Club comments section turned into a YouTube video so gradually, I hardly even noticed.

"Can you make it viral?"

Lax bros? Be careful, they might Be-From-A-Mid-Atlantic-East-Coast-Suburb at you.

Based on these comments, the fact that this is a riff on the Star Wars feeding frenzy went over everyone's heads. Groovy.

Get down? good Lord, Baby got 'em open all over town!

I feel like this story has broken your mind.