Hold On Now Youngster

Ooh, now there's an idea.

I don't recall MTV discussing Hitler recently.

I think we now have some MC Escher-style head-shitting art to look forward to.

In hindsight, I have no idea why I clicked on this link.

Fuck you, Rick Berman! Ya ruined this, too?! STOP RUINING - hey, wait. That ain't Rick Berman. What is it with Ricks?

Magic the Gathering's Journey Into Nyx prerelease is going down this weekend. I'll probably greet that in with some good old Friday Night Magic for BNG/THS/THS drafting before the format gets shaken up (with more removal, hooray!). I didn't make my way out to as much drafting as I would have liked for this block,

Oh God, Braid. I have a complex relationship with that game. I basically could only play for about a day at a time, get furious at a complex puzzle, then stop playing for about a month to cool my jets and re-approach. Still, it was worth it. The time manipulation powers are imaginative, mind-twisting, and jolly good

Try Proteus. No, seriously. I actually *really* enjoyed that…experience…when I gave it a spin, and it sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

Links please!

I didn't know that Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation frequented AV Club.

You're a brave soul.

Come over to my place instead. I have Pizza Bagels, all of Monty Python's Flying Circus, and an air mattress. It'll be like a slumber party, but with minimal (read: no) instances of The Other Woman!

To be fair, have you ever read Cosmo? Preferably on your mass transit service of choice?

Sounds like they're leaving no stones unturned in their cynical misanthropy world tour. Perhaps it's egalitarian in how much it hates everybody.

…I'd watch that.


Cut! It! Out!

The difference is that telling your friends that Bob Saget - yes *that* Bob Saget, Danny goddamn Tanner from Full House - is in this shit as the voice of the dad will result in a few more viewers tuning in.

"And, hey, some of us might be dead by that time anyway."

Trick question. The correct answer is Waterworld.